Invited Celebrity Classic

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Demarcus Ware

Press Conference

Q. DeMarcus, thanks for joining us here at the Invited Celebrity Classic. Just overall thoughts being back in Dallas and excitement of this tournament this week.

DeMARCUS WARE: You know, it feels great to be out here. It feels like game day each time we come out here, even though he is a pro-am today. Friday, Saturday, Sunday all the guys are going to be out here, but you're going to have a crowd, which will make it really fun.

It's one of the most exciting events because it's on your home turf. So many people I get to see from media, all the way to friends. It's a really cool event.

Q. What have you been working on in your game?

DeMARCUS WARE: Chipping, putting. I'm figuring out -- have figured out -- how to get it over there. Now it's how close can you get it to the pin. You got to be able to close out with a good putt, so chipping and putting for sure.

Q. Anybody you're excited to see out here?

DeMARCUS WARE: Couple guys I played against last year. Tony and then you got Marcus Allen right now, coming up right now. See him smiling right there.

What's up baby? I like the HOF. I like that. But guys like that. You get greeted in a way to where it's HOF now, and making the Hall of Fame this year has been amazing.

You know, it's awesome for this event, too.

Q. Absolutely. It is an eclectic group. Everyone is taking part in this. What's the conversation like on the course?

DeMARCUS WARE: You know, the golfers ask us about football and games, and as a player now, playing golf, you're like, man, how do you swing a club so easy? How do you make this look so easy? How are you making this putt?

So it's vice versa. I'm asking them about how their playing and they're asking me about sports. But the celebrities that are coming out here, they're all over the board. Funny half the time. Lots of jokes. That's what the fans come out here for.

Q. Speaking of the fans, what do you hope the fans take from this?

DeMARCUS WARE: I think the first thing they should take away is this event is free. They can come to somewhere and walk around and get good exercise for free.

But also, get to see the best celebrities, best players in this area and people that have flown in, but also the best golfers. Usually don't get to see professional athletes and golfers play in the same tournament.

So now you get that all around "wow" factor, but also get to be close and get to shake their hands and get autographs as well.

Q. Has it settled in that you're a Hall of Famer?

DeMARCUS WARE: Hasn't settled in yet. I still pinch myself a little bit. It hits me when you start planning, planning for singing the National Anthem at the game or writing your speech or thinking about the guys going to welcome you putting that gold jacket on. That's the point where you're like whoa, it really sets in and you have arrived.

Q. Finish the speech yet?

DeMARCUS WARE: I have not. I started it. I keep erasing it. Hopefully I get something concrete down on paper. I have a long way to go.

Q. You see Marcus Allen, HOF, is that like, whoa, this is Marcus Allen?

DeMARCUS WARE: Yeah, so when I saw Marcus Allen usually it's, oh, that's Marcus Allen. What's up, man? Now it's like, what's up brother? We're in the same class, man.

And it's a good thing to know that guys like him that are the best welcome -- when you didn't think you were the best now you know you are the best, and they're welcoming you in and you sort of own that.

Q. You asked Jerry to be your presenter. Talk about what that moment was like for you.

DeMARCUS WARE: It was pretty cool because I knocked on Jerry's door and he had his jacket on. So he welcomed me into the Hall of Fame telling me I was part the 2023 class. I said, you know what? Why not flip it and tell Jerry you're going to be my presenter.

Not only did he welcome me into the NFL when Parcells didn't want me, he did. And had a long career with the Dallas Cowboys. He's in the Hall of Fame. It's like him presenting, I know he's going to present it in a way to where he know what day one felt like all the way to now. He knows that journey.

So I can't wait for that time and he's a man. I always said Jerry is a man.

Q. Can you talk about your relationship with him? You're not the only Cowboy to ask him. Not every player does that with their franchise. What is it about your relationship with that man? You could have asked anybody. What was it about your relationship that you thought this is the guy you wanted to present you for a lifetime achievement like this?

DeMARCUS WARE: I was going back and forth. You know you have family and there are a lot of important people in your family that can hold that torch.

But when I look at Jerry, I look at Jerry as when -- I didn't grow up with my dad, so he was that football dad that when everything was said and done, when I played, I could go to him, knock on the door, he was going to answer and we were going to figure out how to get the job done.

That's a cool thing. You don't get that from owners. That's why he's presented for so many guys and that's why so many guys are close to him. He's a great businessman, but you look at him as a brother, right, somebody you can really look up to and he will never turn his back on you.

Q. Has he consulted with you about the upcoming draft?

DeMARCUS WARE: Yes, he has. (Laughter.) I won't say too much but I know I got to look at a couple pass rushers. Look at Vince Carter back there. Vince Carter. What's up, baby? Enjoy, right? Stop.

But, yeah, no, about some draft picks, defensive line, linebackers, and guys that I know. So we're going to do a little bit of that.

Q. What would you like to see them do?

DeMARCUS WARE: You know I'm all about defense, but they have enough on defense, so I think that offensively if you always go towards the trenches, offensive line, and Zeke is gone. You've got (indiscernible), but you don't know how he's going to come back. I know he's going to come back strong, but I think getting another strong back.

We got enough wide receivers, so getting another strong back that can move the chains.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
132074-1-1041 2023-04-20 19:05:00 GMT

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