Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 21, 2023

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Mark Hensby

Quick Quotes

Q. Currently tied for first, top of the leaderboard. Obviously a lot of golf left, but what was working for you today?

MARK HENSBY: Yeah, I played good. I got off to a good start but wasn't getting -- I got some pretty ordinary breaks early. But stayed and started hitting some good shots and obviously putted well.

Q. When you come to a course like this, is this a course that -- we're asking a stupid question, you're 5-under. How do you like the course here? How does it set up for your game? Is it something that gives you more comfort when you're on a course that you're comfortable with?

MARK HENSBY: Yeah, it's a tricky course. The wind was really all over the place today, which I'm sure you've heard from other people. Yeah, it doesn't fit my eye that well, which is kind of strange. Last year I played the first round here and didn't play too well and then played good the second round. But no, I think the greens are so good, and if you drive it in play, you get a lot of birdie chances.

Yeah, it doesn't really fit my eye, which is kind of strange that I played well.

Q. It's business as usual for you moving forward this week, but it is such a unique opportunity getting to play with celebrities. What's that experience like?

MARK HENSBY: Oh, yeah, awesome. The two guys I had today were great. It was a little bit slower than what we're used to, but they were pretty good players, and I don't know, the word "celebrity" -- for me they're just regular guys. It's definitely good fun playing with guys that you watch on TV, I guess, but yeah, it was fun.

Q. Are you the kind of player that likes to take maybe two, three weeks off, then come back out and play, or would you prefer multiple weeks in a row?

MARK HENSBY: Yeah, you know, early in my career I would have said the earlier, three weeks in a row then a week off, but later, I kind of like one week and maybe a week off, then two in a row and then a week off.

Yeah, now that it looks like I might get in next week, I'm not sure I'll play, because that would be four in a row, so we'll see what happens.

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