Invited Celebrity Classic

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Annika Sorenstam

Quick Quotes

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I think the golf course has gotten better throughout the years, and just the recognition really. I know many players who want to be part of this event.

Q. Who have been some of your favorite people to play with so far? Who are you looking forward to seeing this weekend?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Well, from the celebrity side, always fun to see some of the guys I've played with in the past and some of the guys I'm trying to beat every time, which is Tony, obviously, Tony Romo, Mardy Fish, Mark Mulder, just to name a few. I enjoy seeing them and enjoy playing with them. But also if you get paired with somebody new, it's kind of fun, too. That's how we kind of get to know somebody.

I'm really not picky with who I play with. I'd like to play with somebody who plays well because good momentum feeds good momentum. But yeah, I think this week is also about hanging with some other guys and just -- haven't really played with Blair, but we always kind of go up there and we cheer each other on like it's just the two of us, like come on.

But it's great to be here. Most of them are super nice, and I feel very welcome.

Q. How do you prepare and get ready for competition?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: You know, last time I competed was in January, so it's three months. It's not been steady competition by any means. But I've been practicing a little bit, and coming into this week maybe not so much because we were at the Masters for like 10 days, so that wasn't the best preparation, so coming in with a more relaxed attitude.

But I try to just keep swinging, working on my short game and kind of maintain a little bit of habit, but not as much as I need to, but if I can just lower my expectations, go out and have a good time, that's really what I should be doing at this time of my life, then it's going to be wonderful.

Q. Transitioning over to the ladies' game, I want to ask you about Nelly and the last time that an LPGA won four in a row heading into a major was yourself, '05 heading into the Chevron Championship, and you won by eight shots. Can you speak to her game and the trajectory that she's on?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, I find it exciting. I'm happy for Nelly. I think it's great for women's golf and the LPGA obviously to have such a headliner going into the first major of the year.

I've always felt Nelly was a great player and obviously respected her. She's a great role model for the sport. It's fun to see that she has reached this stage right now, and there's a lot on the line, so we'll be tuning in and cheering for her, and I hope she does well. It's good for women's sports. We're seeing some great excellence before this with Caitlin Clark and Nelly. Women's sports is at the forefront, which I'm obviously very pleased to see. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for the ladies in Houston.

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143542-1-1002 2024-04-18 19:20:00 GMT

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