Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 19, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

John Senden

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Off to a good start, 5-under today. Just a few comments on what felt good and what went right.

JOHN SENDEN: Well, it was a lovely day to play golf, nice and cool today in Texas, better than the heat. I've been feeling good about the game. A bit of up-and-down rounds. I didn't play so good in Newport, but today turned it around. I felt like I drove the ball well. I had good numbers and actually putted probably the best I've putted today all year. When you combine sort of reasonably good ball-striking and then roll them in, we're going in the right direction.

Off to a good start. Looking forward to the weekend, and one day at a time.

Q. Do you enjoy the format having the celebrities in the mix taking a little bit of the --

JOHN SENDEN: Yeah, today we played with Greg Gowan. He's from El Paso, so we had a fun time. Actually had three pros in that group. Most guys have two pros, an amateur and two celebs or something like that. We ended up playing with Greg, nice fellow, and he actually played really well. I think he's up on the leaderboard, as well. Scottie Dunlap and Cambo. I haven't played with Cambo for a while. It reminds me of those days back on the Australasian Tour. But we had some fun out there.

Q. Back in November you talked about the Parkinson's and just wanted to ask you how that's gone, not gone, how that's coming along, and basically your approach to life?

JOHN SENDEN: Well, the thing about Parkinson's is there's no cure for it, so I have to sort of be -- I'm on this medication now which helps me along. I've been on medication probably 18 months now.

My feelings fluctuate a lot. I get some really good days, and then other days I feel as if you get worn out. I get a bit of right-side tremor. So that's difficult when it comes to focusing on the short game. Sometimes the way to beat it is just sort of enjoy what I do out here, enjoy life, and try to take the pressure off and just play.

Q. Has staying active helped mitigate this?

JOHN SENDEN: Definitely. Playing the game of golf and playing on Tour is the best thing I can do. Staying in the gym and staying strong. Parkinson's does not take away your strength. It takes away more likely your feelings. If I stay strong and stay committed to what I'm trying to do, I feel like I can be out here for a while.

But as I said before, there's no cure, and there's no way around it. Just got to deal with it. I think it's about me every day one day at a time. But having some fun out here playing on the Tour.

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