Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 19, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Annika Sorenstam

Quick Quotes

Q. How did it go out there today?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I thought it was fun. I really enjoyed playing with John and Mark and Scott. Had a good time out there. I thought the course was playing quite fair. Got a little long towards the end when the wind picked up. Felt like I had a lot of shots into the wind. But overall I'm actually quite pleased the way I played. Hit some really good shots. Missed a few short putts but then I saved some pars.

I think in the end, kind of evened it out. I was maybe one or two better it would have been like a really good round, but good start and happy to be here.

Q. I know this is a unique format, kind of fun. You do these things a lot. It's like a family affair. I've seen a lot of your people around. How much fun is a week like this for you to enjoy that?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, that's how I enjoy it nowadays, obviously. It's a different chapter of my life, and I wouldn't be here if they didn't want me to play and they didn't want to come and support me or hang out. It's actually contrary, the kids want me to play, so that's really why I'm out here.

But no, it's fun to have the support and the love. That's just what golf is all about, to be able to come here, and even though I'm still a little competitive, I like to get the boys one day and I'm trying hard, and it seemed like Mardy played really well today. I've got to go a little lower the next few days.

Q. Weather obviously not looking good for tomorrow. Is that on your mind? Are you feeling like you really need to put on a good --

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Obviously the less rounds, it means you have to have a better first round because you're going to have less time to catch up. We'll see. Sometimes weather can do some funny things. Just going to go out there and play the best I could today, and we'll see what happens. But yeah, it's not looking good, so then you have to change your mindset a little bit, and I'm sure the course will play a little longer, a little wetter and a little slower, but whatever it is, I'll take the challenge.

Q. The competitive drive still there, would you rather be chasing or leading heading into the weekend?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, I always like leading because who knows, you never know what can happen. But it's nice to have the lead. Now I know that I've got to play a little bit more aggressive. I only made one birdie, and you need more birdies out here to get some more points. We're all going to make mistakes, so whether I play more aggressively or I just make some putts when I need to -- the par-5s I really feel like it's a big difference. I tried to go for one of them today, didn't reach it in two, but John Smoltz that I played with, he reached them all with irons. I know they're going to have a chance on the par-5s, so I have to be a little bit more aggressive but then be a little bit more conservative on the holes where I'm standing there with some woods. You never know, if the wind picks up it makes it a little more challenging, but I'm going to embrace whatever element we have to.

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