Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 19, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Paul Broadhurst

Quick Quotes

Q. Paul, just overall takeaways from round 1. You had kind of a start --

PAUL BROADHURST: Yeah, I made a couple of errors, silly errors really. Got a good birdie at 10 and then came up short in the trap. Tried to be cute and left it in, then managed to get a bogey in the end.

No. 15 I three-putted from about 20 feet, which was really annoying because I played the hole really well, gave myself a chance for birdie, run it four feet by and missed it coming back.

I got the round going, stayed patient. I've been working with my mind man back home and my son on my game, so we had a couple of good weeks just trying to sort a few things out mentally.

I stayed positive, and I stayed one shot at a time like I've been told to do.

Yeah, I got it going around the front nine. I played solid, hit some good shots. Didn't hit a great drive at 9 and then hit a bit of a whirly second shot that apparently hit the hole, and I missed it from about three, four feet on the last. Tricky putt, downhill, right-edge putt with the grain going right, and I've just got to dribble it, and I didn't hit a very good putt, dribbled it left.

Q. Still at the top of the leaderboard --

PAUL BROADHURST: Yeah, it would have been nice to make that one on the last. That would have been a bonus. But obviously happy with 6-under.

Q. Unsure about the weather conditions going into the weekend --

PAUL BROADHURST: Yeah, I think everybody is aware that tomorrow looks pretty bad. So it was important to get off to a good start in case it may end up being 36 holes. I don't know, but we'll have to see what happens tomorrow. It doesn't look very good I don't think from the forecast. But yeah, we'll just see. I've been in this position a few times recently, and I've not taken advantage. It's important to keep this going now.

Q. This format is so different adding in the celebs and the ams. Does that distract you at all?

PAUL BROADHURST: It doesn't distract me at all. I played for three and a half years when I finished on the European Tour, and all I did, I played PGA pro-ams. These guys can play. They hit it miles. I'm the back marker by a long way most of the time. But no, we had some good fun. I don't necessarily know Hall-of-Famers, being from the UK, but I make sure we read up on them before we play and at least we know a little bit about them.

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