Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 19, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Adam Thielen

Quick Quotes

Q. Adam, what went well out there?

ADAM THIELEN: You know, I was hitting it pretty well off the tee and giving myself opportunities. Had some poor shots coming in, but other than that, I felt pretty good about it.

Q. And the confidence level coming in based on how much golf you've been playing and knowing it was going to be a competitive atmosphere?

ADAM THIELEN: You know, it's always interesting. You get that practice round the day before the pro-am just to figure out where your game is at because I don't get out to play 18 holes very often. I do some practicing and things like that, but it was good yesterday to get a feel for where I was at and work a couple things and go try it out. Hopefully do the same thing tomorrow.

Q. Do you think the environment, ropes, fans, standards helps you play better?

ADAM THIELEN: Oh, it's the best thing. I love it. It just makes you lock in and forces you to stay focused on every shot. You're not just out there playing with your buddies and hitting it around, so it's my favorite way, favorite type of golf is competitive golf, and it just creates a really cool environment. When I'm out there, I'm not having a lot of fun, but now when I feel relaxed and look back at it, it's so fun.

Q. What's your experience head-to-head with Mardy Fish?

ADAM THIELEN: Oh, man, I love playing with him. It's tough playing against him when we're not together because he whoops my butt. But when I play with him, I can try to get in his head a little bit.

Q. What about Tony?

ADAM THIELEN: Yeah, been able to play with Tony in Tahoe. He's just so consistent so he makes it tough on you and makes a lot of putts. It's always fun to get out here and compete against those guys. Those are the guys you have a target on and you want to try to compete with them and give them a run.

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