Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 19, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Justin Williams

Quick Quotes

Q. What worked well today?

JUSTIN WILLIAMS: Well, my nerves when I settled down a little bit because it's always a little bit different playing a game that you're not professional at. But it's a lot of fun out here, no doubt.

Q. We know it's more fun than with your buddies, but why do you say that?

JUSTIN WILLIAMS: It's competition, right? We've competed all our lives. It's something that we knew we were good at, and then once you retire, you have a little void that you try and fill with competitive stuff like this, and it's awesome. You get to meet a lot of people and play next to the pros and learn a few tricks. It's been an awesome experience.

Q. What was your confidence level when you drove on to the property, and is it better now because you performed?

JUSTIN WILLIAMS: I don't know if I performed. I definitely let the nerves get the best of me early, but I know I'm definitely in it, a few points back of Mardy, and I'll keep charging and see what happens. But I guess from when I started to when I ended, I'm not sure. I'm feel pretty confident. Once you play more rounds on the course and get to know the greens a little bit, then you get a little bit of an advantage, so I'm hoping to get a little bit more tomorrow.

Q. Do you have any head-to-head history with Mardy or Tony?

JUSTIN WILLIAMS: Well, my head-to-head, I played for the first time last year in this, and they both finished ahead of me, so I'm 0 and 1 against them both. Hoping to change that record, too.

Q. Do you have any pelts in competitive golf?

JUSTIN WILLIAMS: I have a few club championships at my golf course. A few of those. But other than that, nothing else to play for.

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