Invited Celebrity Classic

Friday, April 19, 2024

Irving, Texas, USA

Las Colinas Country Club

Thomas Bjorn

Quick Quotes

Q. Overall thoughts round 1, currently top of the leaderboard with weather conditions going into tomorrow, how does it feel to play the way you did today?

THOMAS BJORN: Yeah, a bit surprised really because I haven't really played any tournament golf since Morocco, so it's been a while. I didn't really know where I was at coming in here. It felt nice in practice. I got out there and calmed it all down with a couple of early birdies and just played golf.

Q. What do you think it's going to take? You have one runner-up finish this season. Heading into competition this weekend, do you remember that? Is that something you were like, I was so close, I really want it this time?

THOMAS BJORN: You tee it up to win golf tournaments, and you want to get yourself in that frame of mind. That's why all of the players out here, they want to get in contention. The only thing you can do the first day or the first couple days is play yourself out of it. You've got to be in there with a chance. But you also know you've got to keep going and keep the mistakes away and take your chances when you get them. I just felt like I did a lot of good things today. There's still a few things that needs to be ironed out, but the score was very good, and that's obviously very positive.

Q. This format is so different. You have celebrities, you have amateurs, you have pros. How is it playing with someone else who was at the top of their game at one time, as well?

THOMAS BJORN: Playing with professional athletes that has been right at the top of their sport and their game is always fun. It's always a cool experience to talk to them about their careers and what they've gone through both good and bad. I think all athletes no matter how good you've been, you've experienced bad times, as well. I think there's a lot of ways you can relate to each other there.

They're cool to have around, and it obviously makes it a different tournament, but it's good fun to have them all around.

Q. What are your thoughts on being named vice captain for Team Europe?

THOMAS BJORN: Yeah, I have a great relationship with Luke, and he's doing the captaincy again, and we know it's going to be a very different Ryder Cup in New York. But we look forward to it, and we come in with good feelings and good ideas and thoughts about the world that we're in with our team, but we know it's going to be a tough one.

But we know where we want to go, and it's just a nice thing to be doing, and we get on very well, and that's the main thing for us is that we have that kind of relationship that is a very honest relationship, and that hopefully can help the team perform well.

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