Myrtle Beach Classic

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Blades Brown

Quick Quotes

Q. What was it like to make your PGA TOUR debut, first round?

BLADES BROWN: Oh, my goodness, it was so much fun. This course has some teeth to it. I'm not 100 percent used to that yet, but I feel like the experience I'm getting this week is -- like you can't pay for this.

Q. This morning what were the feelings and emotions on the first tee before teeing off?

BLADES BROWN: First tee, I was shaking a little bit, but I decided to -- instead of thinking about it as nervousness, think about it as excitement. But yeah, it was a lot of fun.

Q. When did nerves start to settle?

BLADES BROWN: I'd say about hole 3 or so is when I kind of got going. I started talking to my playing partners, and we were talking about Emirates and first-class stuff, and the guy that I played with, I forgot his name, but he's won like 10 times on the DP World Tour. That was so fun to play with him. So yeah.

Q. So other players, have you been kind of seeking advice from any of the players?

BLADES BROWN: Absolutely, yeah. A lot of them like Brandt Snedeker, Ben Griffin, they've kind of taken me under their wing. All positive stuff. They want me to play well. It kind of frees me up when I see them doing the same thing I am.

Q. Now with the round in, what are you seeing tomorrow?

BLADES BROWN: I mean, this course is hard. Actually tighten it up around the edges, but overall I feel solid about my game. It's really close, but I'm excited for tomorrow.

Q. You had talked about the help that Griffin and Snedeker had provided you. What in particular have they aided you with?

BLADES BROWN: Just like course management, stuff like that. My job is just to hit the ball straight, and you can't learn enough from hanging around these guys. Smack talk, as well. That's there, too. But just where to hit it off the tee and where to hit it on the greens.

Q. Can you talk about the chip-in on 8 and how that kind of unfolded? Were you going to hit that without the TIO relief?

BLADES BROWN: I got really lucky on that because my wedge shot, it was really close, but I was able to get relief, and then I dropped it right where I wanted to. I told Jack, you're about to see some sauce right here, and then it went in, and my eardrum is still ringing from the guy that was going, "Blades!" It was electric.

Q. How would you characterize your round?

BLADES BROWN: It was definitely back and forth, just a few things I need to tighten up on, but overall positive.

Q. When you first got your invitation to play in a PGA TOUR event, what were your emotions at the time? And how has that changed in your few days here?

BLADES BROWN: I was so pumped to hear that I was playing in a PGA TOUR event. It didn't really -- the nerves didn't really set in until I got here. I started seeing all the grandstands and everything. But then I started to get settled in, hit a few balls, muscle memory started to take over, and I can't thank SportFive enough and Myrtle Beach Classic for giving me this opportunity.

Q. Just from your experience so far looking ahead, do you feel like this is a place you may belong in the future?

BLADES BROWN: Absolutely, yes. Despite the back nine, which it was a lot of fun, I just need to tighten up on a few things, and I feel like this is where I belong.

Q. Last week we met Chris Kim, now you're here this week. What are some things you think have contributed to your growth?

BLADES BROWN: I think my family. Their undevoted love and support, and then my team around me, Tommy, he's awesome, works with SportFive. Just the encouragement that everyone gives me throughout the course -- the pros in general. Everything is positive coming off -- obviously they want to beat me, but they've taken me under their wing and showed me all positive.

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