Myrtle Beach Classic

Friday, May 10, 2024

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Paul Barjon

Quick Quotes

Q. Overall assessment of the past couple days here at Dunes Club, a new golf course on TOUR, how it's set up for you?

PAUL BARJON: It's a great setup, it's in great shape, and the weather has been pretty decent. It's almost been rainy every day, a little gusty at times. But no, it's a great venue and the layout is pretty challenging when the wind picks up. It's a good test of golf.

Q. Did it seem like it was kind of laying down toward the end of the day, that the afternoon hasn't really picked up maybe as much as the morning?

PAUL BARJON: Yeah, it was kind of weird. It was like no wind after like four or five holes for two or three holes, then picked up. Then at the end it picked up on the last three holes again. It's just kind of up and down. It even switched directions, so it's a little different this week.

Q. What were some of the keys today with the 67?

PAUL BARJON: I just putted pretty well. Didn't hit it very good off the tee, but anytime I was on the fairway, I gave myself some good looks so made a few birdies. Just tweaked the driver a little bit, hit a few more fairways. It'll be fun tomorrow.

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