Myrtle Beach Classic

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Davis Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about the fight, trying to get in the mix in the final round.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I knew I was going to have to go pretty low today. I played good. I didn't play great. I felt like I hit a lot of quality iron shots. Just didn't make as many putts as I would like. It was a great week, best finish of the year so far, so definitely a lot to build on.

Q. What's going to be the big takeaways? You mentioned it being the best finish of the year so far.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, just knowing that when I get in contention on Sunday, it's fun, and I have good experiences to draw back on.

This is why you work so hard, to try to get into contention.

Q. Been playing quite a few in a row. It would be nice to play next week but nice to have an off week. What are you going to do next week?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I'll probably do nothing for three, four days and then kind of get back into it and get ready for Colonial. Definitely need a week off, as much as I would love to be playing next week.

Q. This is the second week in a row with a 16 year old amateur making the cut. How impressive is it to make the cut at a PGA TOUR event at 16?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's definitely impressive. He's a really good player. Just goes to show you the younger kids are getting a lot better out here, so it's pretty cool to see.

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144085-1-1002 2024-05-12 20:45:00 GMT

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