PNC Championship

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Steve Stricker

Izzi Stricker

Press Conference

STEVE STRICKER: A lot of fun. I've got our oldest daughter on the bag for me, and then Nicki is caddying for Izzi. And truly a family affair.

So we never thought, at least I didn't, have the opportunity to play here. So it's actually a blessing and a surprise that we're here, to be quite honest with you, but we're so fired up and jacked up to be here. We're really looking forward to it.

MODERATOR: And to you as well, Izzi, talk about playing with your dad this week.

IZZI STRICKER: Yeah, it means a lot. We do a lot of stuff outside of golf too. We have hobbies that we enjoy together, and we fish and hunt and all that. And we play golf, but never in a competitive setting. So to be able to team up with him and, like, analyze, come up with a game plan, it will be really fun.

Q. Have you guys ever kept score playing golf?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, we keep score all the time.

Q. Have any of your kids ever beat you?

STEVE STRICKER: Maybe like in a little three-hole stretch or something. But if it's 18 holes, I can honestly say I don't think either one of them -- because I -- I start to grind if it gets close. Then I start talking to them and getting in their ear and trying to throw them off a little bit if that's going to happen.

So I don't think that's happened yet. Bobbi, maybe nine holes. Maybe you, nine holes. But those don't count.

Q. Are you guys aware that you're the tournament favorites this week?

STEVE STRICKER: Oh, jeez, it's her, right there. She's (indiscernible) this week. I don't know if we should be the favorites or not. I mean, it's -- we don't really know what to expect.

We're, again, excited to be here. I've got a good player on my side, I know that. And we're looking forward to getting out there. Hopefully we can, you know, with the way the weather looks and all that. So that's the big unknown. But we're excited.

Q. (Indiscernible)?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, I mean, Izzi knows (indiscernible). But it's a challenge. Today was a challenge. It's our first time around here too. So there's some things that we're going to have to try to figure out, who to hit first, the green complexes, all that, all that stuff is a little bit different for us, for her and me.

So we're just going to have to make sure that we are competitive, figure it out.

Q. Steve, you have options deciding on a teammate. So how did you decide on a teammate?

STEVE STRICKER: I didn't really have an option. The invitation letter that I had was for myself and Izzi. It didn't mention Bobbi at all. She's professional, she's trying to play on her own, and she doesn't have any status this next year on the Epson Tour, but this year she's got (indiscernible) so she'll be playing a bunch (indiscernible) and stuff like that.

So, yeah, the invitation was with her.

Q. (Indiscernible)?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, the invitation came from Alastair, Alastair Johnson. And it went straight to Mario, my agent, my brother-in-law, and then he immediately called me because he knew how excited I was going to be.

And we had talked about it over the years. And like I said, never thought I was going to be able to play in it with any of the kids.

Joe T., the rules official out here on the Champions Tour, has mentioned that they were trying to maybe change the rules, get us in -- I don't even know what the rules are, who gets invited, right? That's kind of a mystery to me.

So Joe T. put it in my ear a couple years ago, and he asked if we would play. I'm like, Well, yeah, most definitely we'll play if we have the opportunity.

So I know it's been in the works for a couple years and been really -- I thought it was -- we got maybe the invitation about a month ago. So I figured it had already passed for this year already too, so it was a pleasant surprise.

Q. Family is a part of your golf circle, father-in-law, brother-in-law is an agent, wife caddying for you. Has it always been so obvious to keep things in the family?

STEVE STRICKER: You know, and my father-in-law is my teacher. Yeah, you know, I married into a golfing family. You know, Mario has been not only a brother-in-law but an agent but also, you know, probably my closest friend.

Yeah, and then, you know, the kids growing up, they're like, We're not going to play golf, Dad, we're going to play tennis. Well, you know, Bobbi was that way, We're not going to do that. And then everybody's gravitated towards golf, you know, and it's become a family thing for us, play a lot of golf together.

Yeah, I don't know if it's -- it's just comfortable, right? Nicki has been on the bag. She started on my -- as my caddie when I first came out on Tour. And then when we had kids, she disappeared for a while in that role.

But, yeah, it's always been -- it's always been family. And it's been fun. It's been a journey for all of us.

Q. Izzi, who helps you with your game?

IZZI STRICKER: I'd say both of them or all three of them, my sister included. They all have different perspectives for me. And he comes from the pro side. My sister is my generation, so just having a friend in that. And my mom, she's had some college experience as well, and she's really good with the mental game.

So all three of them in all different ways.

Q. You're a senior?

IZZI STRICKER: I'm a senior.

Q. What did you do last year? What have you done in high school? What are you most proud of golf-wise?

IZZI STRICKER: Accomplishments, I won state this past year and the year before.

Q. Izzi, who are you looking forward to seeing, other pros that aren't your dad?

IZZI STRICKER: Definitely Nelly. And I met her this morning. She's like obviously an idol for me. Annika. Saw her this morning. Tiger. Some of my dad's friends too, like Justin Leonard and all those guys.

Q. What do you and your dad have in common?

IZZI STRICKER: I don't know, I feel like we're similar personalities sometimes, just golf, I feel like we have the same mentality. We both control our emotions pretty well.

Q. Did you cry after you won state?


Q. Do you guys listen to the same music?


MODERATOR: Steve and Izzi, we appreciate your time.

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