PNC Championship

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Bernhard Langer

Jason Langer

Press Conference

JASON LANGER: It was a good day. We avoided the elements as well as we could have. I feel like we played pretty solid all around. A lot of good tee shots, a lot of good approach shots. We didn't have to make too many long putts. I don't think we made any outside of six or eight feet.

So yeah, pretty happy with how we played.

BERNHARD LANGER: I saw Jason played incredibly well for somebody who doesn't play much golf anymore. Hit a lot of quality shots. Even the last second shot was pure. It just came up seven yards short or whatever. And he's putting well. He's doing everything well.

So it's fun watching him. Pleasure being with him as always and having family out here to support us is always fantastic. It's a family event. It's known for that. You know, like Jason said, we were fortunate to be first off.

When I saw the tee time, I'm going, oh, man, we're first off. I like later tee times. But when the weather turned this bad, it's good to get at least 12 or 4 holes in without too much rain.

Q. Is scoring about what you thought it would be with the conditions?

BERNHARD LANGER: Yeah, I'm surprised how low the Kuchars went, that's pretty impressive, 15-under in these conditions. The wind picked up and the greens are good. So that's probably -- can make a lot of putts if you hit it somewhat decent. I didn't see any other golf but that's very good going. I mean, they are three shots clear of the field right now, right.

Q. You only saw the group you were in but was there any sense at all of picking things up today, trying to beat the rain, knowing it was coming and not wanting to dilly-dally?

BERNHARD LANGER: We pretty much knew what was going to come and we tried to play pretty quick early and we did, and then we ran into a bit of trouble the last few holes.

Took a little longer when you don't make birdie or you hit it in the water and you have to figure out how to drop, where to drop. Like the Singhs had a drop on 18. Takes the extra minute or two and slows things down but we got it done. I think everybody is going to finish, so we should be good.

Q. What are you doing post-Penn and does the working world keep you from playing much golf?

JASON LANGER: Yeah, exactly, working in finance in New York City, it's hard enough to play golf in New York when you're living in the city and takes a whole day to get out to a golf course. Yeah, work stays pretty busy.

If I'm lucky when the weather is good, I play once every couple weeks.

Q. What was it like trying to get ready for this?

JASON LANGER: I took off time to practice. Spent a little time before and after each round to practice and put. It was more warming up and trying to get feel back than really fixing anything but I guess it was good enough for now.

Q. Where do you play when you can get out and play?

JASON LANGER: Around New York, a bunch of different places but I started a junior membership at I a club in Westchester County, Wykagyl.

Q. Do you have a car?


Q. What's the route from the City?

JASON LANGER: I take an Uber or train.

BERNHARD LANGER: That's New York City.

Q. Did you ever take a train to play golf?

BERNHARD LANGER: Oh, yeah, when I was younger, I was too young to rent a car when I joined the Tour, so I went by train, by bus, sometimes by my own car, sometimes by plane, and with all my luggage, suitcase, golf bag, shag bag. Those were the good old days, no courtesy cars, nothing.

Q. No players on tour that could appreciate that.

BERNHARD LANGER: Maybe a couple but not too many anymore.

Q. One of the years you won, was it your 3-wood into 18, and is that still one of the better shots you've ever seen him hit?

BERNHARD LANGER: Absolutely. Yeah, I said it at the time, the noise it made, the sound was different from most balls you hear being struck. It was so good and we carried it 270 into the wind with a 3-wood. That's just -- normally that would have gone 285, 290. What were you --

JASON LANGER: No, that was 2019. I was 19. I was playing in college at the time.

BERNHARD LANGER: Anyways, it was as sure a shot as you can hit, and he went on to make the eagle putt as well. That was the playoff, right?

JASON LANGER: Yeah, playoff hole.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
139737-1-1003 2023-12-16 17:44:00 GMT

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