PNC Championship

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club

Vijah Singh

Qass Singh

Quick Quotes

DOUG MILNE: Congratulations, great start, 12-under today --

VIJAY SINGH: 13-under.

DOUG MILNE: Sorry, sold you short.

VIJAY SINGH: Get it right.

DOUG MILNE: A few comments about how well you played off of each other today.

VIJAY SINGH: You know, I wasn't hitting the driver as good, but when I didn't, he came in and he made -- he putted really great. And then I putted, made one or two long ones. For me it was good, too.

We kind of ham-and-egged really well. You know, after ninth hole, I told him, let's finish 12, we'd be happy with 12, so did one better than that, so that's good.

DOUG MILNE: Your thoughts on how you played?

QASS SINGH: I played good. It's just like he said. When I didn't hit it good, he hit it good, and when I hit it good, it worked out all right. We kind of almost got in a lot of trouble on No. 9 but we got away there which was nice.

DOUG MILNE: Just the last one is how special, obviously it's a unique event, had a lot of time with family. So how liberating, relaxing is it just to come out here and have fun?

VIJAY SINGH: Well, we want to have fun. At the same time, we want to compete. So it's fun plus pressure fun. It's always nice to spend time with your son because you don't get to spend three, four days of playing golf and hanging out together when you're at home.

So this is a great time to kind of know each other a little bit better, you know. But it's good. I enjoy this moment. I enjoyed every year I played over here and it's been fun.

Q. Where did you finish in past years?

VIJAY SINGH: Finished second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, never won. Hopefully this is the week.

Q. What would it mean to finally --

VIJAY SINGH: It would be a special occasion to win. It would be one of the biggest highlights of my career to win with him.

QASS SINGH: This is already the best week of the year, so that would make it all that more sweeter.

Q. When did you start preparing?

VIJAY SINGH: I started preparing last week, so it's a constant work at it. I always look forward to playing this. Alastair held our invitation to pretty late and I had to say, what the hell is going on but he did give it to me.

Q. I had the pleasure of playing with you in the Pro-Am, a great time but I was blown away by your shoe choice. Can you run us through what you're wearing? Is it a golf shoe?

VIJAY SINGH: This is HOKA trail shoes. I have a problem with had I foot and I cannot really play with anything else that hurts. So this is --

Q. It's a hiking shoe?

VIJAY SINGH: Running shoes, yeah.

Q. No slippage out here?

VIJAY SINGH: No slippage, and it feels good. It hurts but it feels better than if I wore golf shoes.

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127794-1-1003 2022-12-17 22:43:00 GMT

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