The Ryder Cup

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Kohler, Wisconsin, USA

Whistling Straits

Paul Casey

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. Paul, playing in your fifth Ryder Cup, how exciting to get out in the first session and to play with someone like Viktor?

PAUL CASEY: Look, this is like the night before Christmas. I mean, The Ryder Cup is so special, to be playing the first session, as well is a great honor. Captain Harrington obviously has faith in my abilities, but also to be playing with Viktor, it shows everybody how good this guy is. Rookies tend not to play sort of first sessions, especially something like foursomes. But I cannot wait to get started with this guy standing next to me.

Q. Making your first appearance, how excited to get out early?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, I was having trouble sleeping last week. It's a bit more real now after we just watched the Opening Ceremony and yeah, it's going to be so much fun playing tomorrow.

Q. You played DJ in Paris, and Viktor, you know a lot about Collin. Talk about going up against those two?

PAUL CASEY: Their entire squad is very, very impressive. For me it's focusing on our own game, very simple, and the challenge around this golf course, Whistling Straits. I'm with as fine a player as possible with Viktor, and keep the ball in play and take care of our own stuff, plain and simple. They are formidable, there's no question. They have our full respect but hopefully we can play some tremendous golf against them.

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, obviously played a bunch of golf with Collin in college golf, and the last few years, we have played a lot together and he's a great guy and I want the best for him but not necessarily tomorrow.

Dustin I've never played with in a tournament. So it will be obviously interesting to see what they as a team can come up with but I feel pretty confident in our ability to give them a really good match, it will be fun.

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112593-1-1003 2021-09-23 23:13:00 GMT

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