The Ryder Cup

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Kohler, Wisconsin, USA

Whistling Straits

Jon Rahm

Press Conference

Saturday Morning Foursomes

JOHN DEVER: Good morning. Welcome to the 43rd Ryder Cup.

Q. 3-down after three, how big of a performance was it to win 3&1?

JON RAHM: Yeah it was pretty good. We didn't have our best swings on those first five holes. Like if one of us made a good shot, the other one didn't have his best stuff. And even then, they made good birdies on 1 and 2. You don't always lose those holes making pars.

We got down quickly, but if ever in match play you're going to get down at some point and be 3-down, it might as well be through three holes because you have 15 holes to make it up. And we were fully aware of that. We know momentum changes like that, and with that birdie on 6, the tide on 7 I think started shifting our way, and when Sergio made that putt, you could feel it was changing a little bit, right. From 6 on we played wonderful golf, and it showed.

Q. What was the mindset when you were 3-down and started to make that come back a little bit, did he say saying to you? How did you come together to mount that comeback?

JON RAHM: We are both fully aware of what we are capable of. Yesterday I made a lot of putts, and Sergio might not have had his best day, but today he had a great day starting on 6.

We both were aware at some point we were going to get a break and they weren't. At some point we were going to have our opportunity, we just had to take advantage of it. I think for me, it started on 7. For him, that putt on 8 was the difference-maker. You could tell, hit a good putt on 7, just didn't get it there. He made that dead center. He was celebrating before he got to the hole.

And that's always a huge confidence boost, and you know, when you follow up for him with a chip-in and a great chip on 10, and I start hitting good shots after he hits good shots, that just keeps the ball rolling, and that's how we were able to keep it going.

We support each other all throughout, and even at the bad times, we were making each other smile and I think that was the biggest part.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112665-1-1222 2021-09-25 16:32:00 GMT

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