The Ryder Cup

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Kohler, Wisconsin, USA

Whistling Straits

Rory McIlroy

Ian Poulter

Quick Quotes

Saturday Afternoon Four-balls

Q. Your thoughts?

IAN POULTER: One of those matches we didn't do enough early in the match to make it easier on ourselves. We always had to fight really hard and it was tricky. The wind was really, really tricky to get it close to any pin. If you heave yourself too much to do against DJ and Morikawa, you can't leave yourself too much work to do.

We're not in a good position and it's going to take a beyond monumental effort. So we need a couple of miracles.

Q. Not the results you wanted out there.

RORY McILROY: Yeah, we were up against it again. Look, DJ and Collin are a good team and they played very, very well. Even though we tried to throw a bit at them at the back nine, they always seemed to answer it. Collin closed the match out with two really good birdies on 14 and 15.

Obviously disappointing. Disappointing not to contribute a point for the team yet. So hopefully just go out tomorrow and try my best to get a point, and hopefully we can rally and at last give them something to maybe sweat about tomorrow in the middle of the afternoon.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112696-1-1222 2021-09-25 23:23:00 GMT

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