The Ryder Cup

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Kohler, Wisconsin, USA

Whistling Straits

Bryson DeChambeau

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Saturday Afternoon Four-balls

Q. What was the difference in today's match?

BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: It's just a couple shots here and there.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Bryson flipped the match twice today, he made a great putt on and 8. They won 9, and I had a great chip on 10, and Bryson rolled in a putt before Viktor could make his and just a massive putt on 14.

Q. Second straight day, you two meshed very, very well. Why so?

BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Our games complement each other. I make birdies when he didn't and he makes birdies when I don't. In best-ball that's the key, and we gave ourselves a lot of chances today, a couple of opportunities that we missed. But again, we won the match, and we fought hard.

Q. What's it like watching him play golf?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I must say it's more fun when I'm on his team than when I'm playing against him. It's great. It's really fun to watch. The guy is really talented, and couldn't imagine a better partner.

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112697-1-1222 2021-09-25 23:30:00 GMT

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