The Ryder Cup

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Kohler, Wisconsin, USA

Whistling Straits

Rory McIlroy

Quick Quotes

Sunday Singles Matches

Q. First point of the day on the board for the European Team. I'm sure it's a day of mixed emotions for you. Can you put into words your feelings about this week?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, incredibly proud to be a part of this team, to be a teammates of all these guys, the captain, the vice captains. We've had a great time. You know, it looks like it's not going to pan out the way we want on the golf course. I've been extremely disappointed that I haven't contributed for more the team. I'm glad I got a point on the board today for them.

It's been a tough week. And the more and more I play in this event, I realize that it's the best event in golf, bar none. I love being a part of it. I can't wait to be a part of many more. Yeah, it's the best. (Tearful).

Q. Just a moment ago you said you hoped little boys and girls who are watching aspire to be part of a Ryder Cup Team or Solheim Cup team. Is that something in your mind as you play this game?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, I don't think there's any greater privilege to be a part of one of these teams, European or American. It's an absolute privilege. I've gotten to do this six times. They have always been my greatest experiences of my career. I have not -- never really cried or got emotional over what I've done as an individual. I couldn't give a s---. But this team, and what -- and what it feels like to be a part of, to see Sergio break records, to see Jon Rahm come into his own this week, to see one of my best friends, Shane Lowry, make his Ryder Cup debut.

All that, it's phenomenal and I'm so happy to be a part of it. As I said I'm disappointed that I didn't contribute more this week, but you know, in two years' time, we'll go again and try to, obviously it's not over yet but we'll give it another go again. Sorry for swearing, as well.

I love being a part of this team and I love my teammates so much I should have done more for them this week. I just can't wait to get another shot at this. It is by far the best experience in golf, and I hope little boys and girls watching this today aspire.

I'm proud of every single one of our players that played this week and our captains and vice captains. I wish could I have done a little more for the team. Glad I got a point on the board today. It's been a tough week.

Q. Can you explain what you're feeling?

RORY McILROY: Mixed emotions. Glad I got a point on the board for Europe, but disappointed I didn't do it sooner. Two good opportunities Friday and Saturday to sort of lift us out of a hole and I wasn't able to do it. It's disappointing.

Look, it's not for me, but just for the team, and it sucks. It sucks losing. It sucks not being able to be competitive and yeah, I'm glad I put a point on the board for Europe today and that was my goal and mission and I was able to accomplish that. But when I look back on this week, it will be a case of sort of lost opportunity.

Q. When you showed they motion after winning a match at The Ryder Cup, is that just the result of what this means to you?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, I've said naïve and stupid things in the past but this is by far the biggest tournament that we have in golf. You look at the crowds. You look at what it means, it's the best. I can't wait to be a part of many, many more Ryder Cups and be teammates with some of these great guys and try to win many more.

Q. Tell us about the week and that moment of winning, and the emotion you've shown.

RORY McILROY: It's been a tough week personally and then obviously for the team as well. We've been up against it. The American Team have been total class in terms of how they played. You know, they have been dominant. They have been really, really good and we haven't been able to put up as much of a fight as we want.

I think I'm emotional, as well because I wanted to do this for Pádraig, too. It's his captaincy, and he's had a hell of a career, and It would have been an unbelievable thing to cap off with a winning Ryder Cup.

For me I haven't been able to contribute as much as I wanted to that but it's still such a great experience to be part of these Ryder Cup teams and this will just fill the fire even more for us in two years' time in Rome.

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112742-2-1003 2021-09-26 20:13:00 GMT

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