The Ryder Cup

Friday, 29 September, 2023

Rome, Italy

Marco Simone

U.S. Team

Brooks Koepka

Quick Quotes Afternoon Four-balls

Q. How are you feeling after that round?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, I think me and Scottie birdied, what did we say, 14, we birdied 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and then lost by two. So yeah. I mean, I want to hit a board and pout just like Jon Rahm did. But, you know, it is what it is. Act like a child. But we're adults. We move on.

Q. Brooks, you guys played your heart out. You birdied seven holes on the back nine, and yet that happened on 18. How does that feel?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah. We birdied 14 through 18. I mean, pretty much I figured me or Scottie makes one on 18. And lost with two eagles. So, I mean, we played good coming down. Scottie played really well. It was impressive to watch him play. Nothing you can do.

Q. How do you guys get ready for tomorrow?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Do the same thing we did today: You wake up, go practise, go play, see how it goes.

Q. We hope to see you play all day tomorrow.


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