Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Friday, 2 October, 2020

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Robert Rock

Quick Quotes

Q. Day 2, thoughts about that? Still very good.

ROBERT ROCK: Yeah, to finish at 4-under, I'm quite happy with that. I kept plodding along, and thankfully with no bogeys, you pick them up every now and again and it adds up to a decent score, doesn't it. I hit a couple iron shots close. I didn't really hole many putts, but yeah, an easier day.

Q. Are you enjoying it?

ROBERT ROCK: I've generally got three good rounds in me at a tournament, but it's four that's a problem. We'll see. We'll see. I ruined a tournament last week. No expectation.

Q. How relaxed are you?

ROBERT ROCK: I'm relaxed. As I said yesterday, I just try to enjoy the tournaments that I have left. I might not be playing many more Scottish Opens or Irish Opens, so I'm determined to enjoy them at least.

Q. Yesterday I saw you swinging looking into the mirror, into the window to look at your reflection. Who looks after you? Is it you?

ROBERT ROCK: Yeah, it's me.

Q. Tell us about that.

ROBERT ROCK: I generally do all my swing work at home before I travel. The last few weeks it's been really working at home on Monday and Tuesdays and I've been arriving on Wednesday morning, so I'll practise at home, just video my swing, hit a few shots, what it feels like, and I like to have my mind made up on what I'm going to concentrate on for the week. And I've done that for the last maybe 10 years or so.

Q. Game plan out there, you just plot your way around; that's how it works, isn't it.

ROBERT ROCK: That's how I play it. I played with Lucas, and Lucas is an incredible striker of the ball. He's been really impressive. I haven't got those long carries or those drives that go 350, so I have to hit my very, very best drive on a par-5 to have a chance to get on, and if I don't I have to try and nudge it down. I still hit my irons on occasion and I have my moments with the putter, so we'll see.

Q. You do also have in your head the experience of going head-to-head with the greatest golfer and win, so that gives you confidence that when you go into the weekend you can deliver?

ROBERT ROCK: If I can get to a Sunday. We've got another day to go yet. I feel like I'm all right on Sundays, but it's when the end is in sight, I've got a goal in mind, and obviously you're playing well when you get to that point, but I have struggled on Saturdays throughout the last 20 years really for God knows whatever reason. Sometimes they work out -- that took week you mentioned I played one of my best rounds on a Saturday. The Irish Open I had my best round on a Saturday, but that's been pretty awful, as well.

Q. Can you give us a rundown about who you're looking after at the moment?

ROBERT ROCK: Well, before everything changed, we had quite a good group of players, nearly up to 20 players that -- it wasn't just me. I've got Liam James and Benn Barham that have been helping me. And they did more of the work than I did really because once they started coming out on the road with me, they were able to say yes to a few more people. So we ended up with quite a large group. We weren't seeing all of them -- this is the first week coaches have been allowed back. Liam is here, Benn is coming next week, and we'll see what the guys feel like. They've been looking after their own games really for the last few months, and some might like that, some might be dying to see coaches again and start planning for next season. We'll see. It's a good group. I think it's possible that it might change, I might decide on other plans, but we need to have a chat about what these tournaments are going to be like.

Q. You don't want to mention names --

ROBERT ROCK: I don't want to mention too many names. We don't do it for that.

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