Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Thursday, 8 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Francesco Laporta

Quick Quotes

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Unbelievable to be here in Scotland, today is perfect, and one of the most beautiful days ever been in Scotland since I was 16, which I've played a lot of golf, and the golf course is unbelievable, just perfect condition. It's nice to play.

Q. When you go out to play, you're thinking there's an opportunity to score a good score; are you happy with what you did today?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: I'm pretty happy. Actually I didn't play my best golf. My short game was really good. My putting and approach around the green was pretty good. I'm going to work a bit on the range and try to do better tomorrow.

Q. Do you enjoy the challenges that links golf brings?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Yeah, actually I'm coming from kind of links golf course in Italy and also my golf club is close to the sea. I know how to play. I think I did a good job today and try to do my best for tomorrow.

Q. You did well last week in Ireland, does that give you momentum coming into what is a very, very big event?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Yeah, a bit of confidence after last week. I know I made a double on the last one to miss The Open, but I have another good opportunity this week and try to keep it.

Q. When you look around the quality of field, the quality of the field, to be part of this, this where you want to be but to compete is the most important thing?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Yeah, the quality is unbelievable and a lot of good players, and the field is amazing. Try to enjoy every moment of this week.

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109825-1-1003 2021-07-08 12:47:00 GMT

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