Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Thursday, 8 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Richie Ramsay

Quick Quotes

Q. What did you make of that round today?

RICHIE RAMSAY: It was very solid. I drove the ball very well, which obviously you need to putt yourself in the fairway and you can go at a few pins and have that control. We were blessed with obviously fantastic weather today and not much wind, so I expect if it stays like this, scoring can get quite low.

But all in all, I was really happy with my game. It was steady. I picked my shots well. I was pretty good on the greens, which keeps momentum going when you're trying to shoot a good score.

Q. A back nine of 32, you must be delighted with that, a really strong back nine.

RICHIE RAMSAY: I was kind of steady on the front and then I made a lovely par saving putt on 14 which really just kept the momentum going and keeps the bogey off the card, and then made a great put on 17 from off the green. And those little putts kind of keep momentum going.

So, yeah, excited for tomorrow, and a very steady start on a field that's probably one of the strongest on The European Tour and obviously Scottish Open is like a major for all the Scots.

Ever since you're a little kid, you want to play against the best and I think European Tour and Renaissance and being involved with Aberdeen in the tournament has done a great job in creating one of the best fields we've ever seen on The European Tour, and to have it in Scotland is even better.

After the last 18 months to have the crowds back and see the top players like Rahm and McIlroy and sort of the high calibre of other U.S. players that have come over and the best of the Europeans, it's great to watch. Really had a nice atmosphere out there today. I think a lot of people just enjoyed being out there watching the golf and it was beautiful scenery and all in all it was a great day.

Q. And your home course, as well, that makes it even more special?

RICHIE RAMSAY: It was nice, there's a lot of familiar faces out there. You want to put in a good performance when you play on your home track, and it was a very good start, something to build on for tomorrow but a lot of work to do but very pleased with today's effort.

Q. A lot of work to do and a lot of golf to be played before you can even contemplate playing in The Open, but that's obviously your ultimate dream and aim. How important is it for you to just keep going?

RICHIE RAMSAY: It's nice to have a little kind of carrot dangling and you want to try to chase that as much as possible. I was very close last week and it gives you that little bit of added confidence that when you get close, you think, well, I've got a northern chance this week and it gives you something extra to chase.

I'm just lucky that we're playing on my home course in a Rolex tournament with a great field, and just enjoying it and like I say, having the fans back, it's brilliant, and it would be good to get to The Open where there's even more of them down there.

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