Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Friday, 9 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. I just didn't hole anything really. I was just hitting it far enough away and I was just barely off with the putts and couldn't get anything going.

Q. Only 24 hours, a bit less, what happened today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: The way the scores were yesterday, and not expecting anything different, I thought the cut line was going to be at 4-under. I thought the way the scores were yesterday, I felt like I'd have a really good round, because I think if I would have shot 5-under yesterday, would I have been Top-10.

So I knew I needed to have a good round and get off to a good start, which I didn't feel like I did. I fine lip saw a putt go in on 13. I didn't birdie 16. I was extremely frustrated and I just kind of got rolling. I kind of used the anger a little bit and made nice putts on 17, 18 and had a good front nine.

Q. Have you played much links golf? What do you make of it?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: This is my first time over here. Haven't played before. I don't know, I really like it. I like how firm it is. I like how you have to hit a bunch of different shots. My caddie gives me the number and I try to find slopes around the pin and go from there.

Q. Are you learning as you go around, because there's different shots you can play, you're given the challenge of getting from A to B, maybe normally it would be through the air but you'll think, I'll try that, I'll try that; is that part of it? You're learning?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I was telling Iain yesterday, I feel like I have a lot of options around here, which I like. I feel like I can always find a shot that I'm comfortable with. I feel like in the States, grain dictates a lot of what you have to do around the green and here, there's virtually no grain. You can kind of skip it or flop it or do whatever you like.

Q. Watching TV Sunday nights at home, you're there a lot and in the final at the WGC. Could it be a debut win at The Open?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don't know when it's going to come. I don't look too far ahead. I feel like my game is in a good spot and I feel like I'm improving on some stuff that I didn't do well last year so to improve on the year I had last year is nice.

Q. Are you enjoying the Scottish experience?


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