Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Sunday, 11 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Jack Senior

Quick Quotes

Q. Thoughts on this week, many highs you've had out there?

JACK SENIOR: Yeah, I mean, obviously I had the high of the first round, high of the second round, leading an event like this going into Saturday playing with the world No. 1, that's a big high. You must be doing something right if you're playing with the world No. 1 on a Saturday.

I just fully enjoyed the week, you know what I mean. It's great to be back playing links golf. I've played some of my best golf on links golf courses and it's been a great week start to finish.

Q. You came off the blocks pretty fast. How pleased are you with your final round today?

JACK SENIOR: I feel like I controlled my emotions really well. Never really got ahead of myself. Never really thought about where I was on the leaderboard. All I was doing was standing there and committing to the shots and trying to give myself as many looks as possible.

Yeah, it's all about holing putts at the right time and I feel like I did that really well today. Holed a good putt on 14, the par 3 down the hill. That was one which gave a bit of momentum and that step forward and obviously had a step back at 16 but you have to try to work that from your memory and I feel like I did that really well with a couple of good pars on the last two holes there.

Q. There's a chance that you could be playing next week at Royal St. George's. What would that mean to you?

JACK SENIOR: It would mean everything. 32,000 fans, playing in front of a home crowd. I've played three of the last four. It would be great to play another Open, especially now I've found a little bit of form and my game feels like it's moving in the right direction. So there's no reason why I couldn't go there and have a good week as well.

I'm going to head home now. Probably go around to my friends and watch the game and if England win, I mean, what a great weekend it's been for me and I'm really looking forward to watching the game.

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