Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Sunday, 11 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Richie Ramsay

Quick Quotes

Q. What does this mean to you today, to win this award?

RICHIE RAMSAY: Yeah, I obviously knew Jock from my young age. I played Scottish Boys' and he was relentless in basically looking after the right stories about the boys growing up.

I've known him from when I started playing all the way up to The European Tour. It was always quite nice to see a familiar face and someone who was passionate about what he did but also passionate about Scottish success on The European Tour and kids coming through. He always looked to see a saltire on the board. He was always someone that would call you, text you, say, can I do an interview, you would always take your time out because he was just such a nice person, genuine sort of nice person, and he always had good things to say about you.

I think he was such a nice person, but sometimes that distracted from how good an article he would write. He knew me from a young kid and obviously when I was younger, I was a bit fiery. He was always very good with me and knew how to come off and if maybe I when maybe in the best of moods. But when it was Jock, you took time for him.

And I think all the boys do that on the Scottish circuit. You would always see him and if he needed a word, it wasn't a problem. I think that feeling resonated with the rest of the journos and the guys on The European Tour. He was just a very kind-hearted guy and someone who wanted to see Scottish success, didn't matter who it was. He just wanted to see that saltire on the leaderboard.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110049-1-1003 2021-07-11 17:23:00 GMT

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