Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Sunday, 11 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Min Woo Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. You had to wait through the rain delays and everything, but what is the feeling?

MIN WOO LEE: Amazing to hole that last putt. I had good feelings. I played that hole really good all week and been flushing it all day, as well. A bit of a break but it was quite nice and got to hit a few balls. Just a nice shot in and nice putt.

Q. Incredible run on the front nine. When did you start to think, this could be mine?

MIN WOO LEE: I knew there was going to be guys behind. It's a course where -- I knew they were going to make some birdies coming down the stretch. I didn't give up any shots I guess but I could have holed a couple more putts to make it a little easier for me. But I did put pressure on the group.

Q. You got a great roar, as well, in the playoff. You've been texting.

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, they are all up. It's crazy. I was actually watching the Wimbledon, and it was nice to see Djokovic come in and do his interview. I thought that was a good feeling and I might want to do that.

Q. And you've earned an Open place, a little added bonus on top of everything and a big week to come.

MIN WOO LEE: I knew I had a good chance coming in just because I've been playing so good, and to get in that, and winning the tournament is just the cherry on top. I'm really looking forward to the next week.

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