Aberdeen Standard Investments Scottish Open

Sunday, 11 July, 2021

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Min Woo Lee

Press Conference

TOM CARLISLE: Min Woo Lee, Rolex Series Champion. To shoot a bogey-free 64 on the final day to win a Rolex Series title and overcome two guys in a playoff, how does that feel?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, it feels amazing. It was a long day. Someone said it was six hours and 20 minutes, and it did feel that. We had the rain delay and all that. So you know, it was a bit emotional holing that last putt.

TOM CARLISLE: What were your thoughts throughout that playoff, obviously with the rain delay, you posted a number early and had to wait a little while. What were your thoughts while you were out on the range?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I flushed it all weekend and flushed it all today. I just needed to kind of stay in the moment. I hit a lot of shots on command today and yesterday, and you know, I just chilled out next to the fireplace while I was waiting. You knew they made par on the 18th hole of regulation, and then went out there and did my thing.

It was nice. I mean, I just felt good. I did feel nervous, but more confident if anything.

TOM CARLISLE: You started the day three shots back and had that run on the front nine. Is that when you knew it would be your day?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, it went really fast. I had my friends cheering me on which was awesome. It was amazing. It happened so quick. I could have made birdie on a couple holes on the back nine, but six in a row, you don't do that much, especially during such a big event, it's awesome.

Big confidence into next week and looking forward to it.

Q. What a battle you had out there today. You really, really had to dig deep, didn't you. What key qualities did you have to come out with to get you over the line?

MIN WOO LEE: Well, first I had to play really good, which I did. I mean, if someone said I had to shoot 7-under at the beginning of the round, I was like, okay, I have to really focus up here.

I don't know, I was patient. But I was just very confident. I was confident in the way I was swinging it and putting it. Changed putter the last couple -- two weeks ago, and then I changed my driver this week. I had a lot of changes but everything was kind of leading up really nicely to this event, so I'm over the moon. Yeah, hopefully I can just keep it going next week.

Q. And you had the weather to fight, as well, and you came out on top with that. What was it like trying to keep that concentration and not let the interruption get in the way?

MIN WOO LEE: I knew the guys were going to play really good behind me. My only concern was getting my grips -- trying not to get my grips wet because they are tacky ones. I didn't want them to get slippery. So as long as I can do, I can swing it nice and hole some putts. Yeah, I just went out and did my best.

Q. And of course you'll be absolutely brimful of confidence next week for The Open Championship at Royal St. George's. What are your targets for that?

MIN WOO LEE: Oh, I don't know. I'm going to get through this night first and then I can tell you (laughing).

But I mean, I just have to play like I played this week. It was tough. But I think I can do it again. I mean, I feel really nice swinging it and just everything, like I said, everything is leading up.

I had a good finish last week but I had a few bad holes and I just fixed it up. I had one really bad hole this week, and don't want to talk about it, I made a 7 on 11. But other than that, I had to regroup and I just played awesome.

Q. I've heard a lot about you from some of my friends in Perth and great to watch your stunning play today. Would you say, is this the best round you've ever had under the circumstances?

MIN WOO LEE: I've had that question a couple times in the last hour but I don't know, it hasn't really soaked in. Looking back at it, it's got to be one of the best rounds I've had to play. I mean, yeah, I don't know. It's definitely top one or two. Probably one. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can look back and say, "Good job, I'm proud of you and you played awesome."

I think it will rank at the top.

Q. And just a quick question, where does all this mental fortitude come from?

MIN WOO LEE: This mental?

Q. Fortitude. Your mental strength?

MIN WOO LEE: I don't know what fortitude means. Mental strength, I think I've built it over the last -- my parents are really strong-minded and I think it comes from that. I've done sport from a very young age, so I think I know what it takes. Winning doesn't come often, so hopefully you're more confident than nervous. I needed to do a job today and stayed in there really nicely and got it done.

Q. Where does the inspiration come from today? Who do you single out in your team, being so influential getting to where you are now?

MIN WOO LEE: Obviously my family. I did it for my whole team. We knew the time was coming. Playing really good. Like I said, just needed to get rid of some of the dings in my game. It was trending a lot leading up to this, and I mean, I owe it to my family. I owe it to my coach back home. Just my friends and family. I've got such good support back home and on social media. I can't wait to talk to them.

Q. Probably half of Perth awake tonight?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, all my friends are up.

Q. Who is your coach?

MIN WOO LEE: My coach is Ritchie Smith back home. He coaches at Royal Fremantle and I've been with him for a long time now.

Q. Did it help playing with Wade Ormsby in the final round? Did that in some way keep you calm?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I think so.

Q. Do you know him pretty well?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I know him really well. We're pretty if I friends out here. He's put me under his wing a little bit and helped me out. He's just an awesome bloke.

Yeah, it was really nice to play with him. It might have been a different story if I played with Jon Rahm or any of the other guys up there. They are all high-ranked. It was nice to be with someone I'm comfortable with and I've played with.

I think it was a nice -- it calmed me down yesterday playing with Xander and Rob. They are awesome guys, too. I was nervous the whole day but I played really good and ended up beating them by a shot and a couple. I had a lot of confidence coming into today.

Q. Did Orms promise you that odd bottle of Scotch for that ace?

MIN WOO LEE: He's got plenty coming on the way. But I've got one for the win, so I might just stay with that one.

Q. Did you know Wayne Riley who is walking the course and commentating for SKY, did you know he had won a Scottish Open?

MIN WOO LEE: Really, I don't know him but I'd like to meet him.

Q. Radar, who was walking the course.

MIN WOO LEE: Oh, sorry, sorry. I know him as Radar. I don't know him as Wayne Riley. That's awesome. Bloody marvelous.

Q. He didn't sort of make any contact with you during the course of that round, did he, like any encouragement? Being professional, was he?

MIN WOO LEE: No, I didn't see him at all. I don't know if he was following us. But I don't think he was. I was so focused, I don't know.

Q. Lucas and Cameron Davis last week on the world stage; you this week: Is the start of the new wave of Australian golf?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I think so. I think we had one early in the year or last year. Hopefully we can keep it going next week. Hopefully it's one of us again. But I mean, yeah, I'm happy for all those guys and happy for myself and getting the win. Yeah, go Australia.

Q. Are you on track in terms of your goals? Did you hope to achieve this much at this stage and what's sort of to come?

MIN WOO LEE: Like I say, it comes at you quick. You don't really get wins too often. I didn't think -- I mean, I thought, but you just never know, you've got to play really good golf for four days for a whole week to hold that trophy at the end. Definitely was -- like I said, I was trending and I just needed to do the same things and get rid of the dings and I will be up there.

Looking back at this week, I have a couple things that I want to work on but I mean, just got to celebrate for the next couple days and get back to work.

Q. Next week is a unique opportunity for you, but you can take it two ways, right. It's sort of, you can play with house money to the extent, and you're in good form and take it as it comes and maybe treat it not as important as it actually is?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I played the WGC which had pretty much all those players there and I felt really comfortable. My game plan wasn't as good as right now, but I mean, I'm confident as ever, and I just want to go out there and play some golf. I mean, the ball's listening to what I do, so hopefully being do that next week.

Q. You're making your major championship debut next week at Royal St. George's where Greg Norman want in '93, and you probably weren't even born then.


Q. Growing up as a youngster in Perth and playing Royal Fremantle, what major would you have associated with the most, do you think?

MIN WOO LEE: If you told me which one I would want to win, I don't really care. I'd win any of them. But I'd probably say the Masters. But The Open, after playing in Europe and getting to know all the European guys, and they all say The Open. So it's a special place in my heart and hopefully I can play really good next week. But yeah, I'm just excited for next week. It's going to be awesome.

Q. I think you have about 11 fellow countrymen playing next week, or ten countrymen, you're 11.

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, that's awesome. Get to see old friends and get to see friends. I know some of my friends are out there right now and they have shown it on social media, so I'm excited to go see them.

TOM CARLISLE: Thank you everyone, Min Woo Lee, 2021 abrdn Scottish Open, congratulations.

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