Genesis Scottish Open

Friday, 8 July, 2022

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Doug Ghim

Quick Quotes

Q. Been a battle over the first couple days but sitting at four you must be delighted with that?

DOUG GHIM: Absolutely. Anything under par today in the afternoon was really good and we had some tough holes coming in. To get out there and be at 4-under is definitely something that I'm very pleased with.

Q. How tough are those conditions, especially when the gusts are coming through?

DOUG GHIM: Yeah, you get a stretch of holes like I think it's 8, 9 and then 14, 16, 17, 18, that all play into the wind, and whatever the yardage is on the card is not what it's playing.

So you just have to really be patient because you know everyone is going to make bogeys.

Some of those holes really just play like par 5s, and I think if you can have that type of mindset going into it, then it makes it a little bit easier.

Q. Nice par save at 14, talk us through that.

DOUG GHIM: It was another one of those situations where you're out of position and you're really just trying not to make a double. You know that bogeys won't kill you.

So you're just trying to hang in there and really, I'm not even sure what the putt was going to do because of the wind. I just tried to make sure that I got it with good speed somewhere around the hole and make my four, and just a bonus it went in.

Q. I know you're not a stranger to links golf, but how much are you relishing this challenge this week?

DOUG GHIM: Yeah, it's been a blast. I was just telling my caddie that I think this is my favourite place in the world to play golf.

It makes you think. There are some shots that you have to play like in America, and some shots that I would never consider playing back there. I get to used my knowledge of how I normally would play and learn some new things and new horizons in my game, and I always feel like I leave Scotland a better player.

And yeah, I'm just hoping to keep the good play and hopefully stay here for one more week.

Q. I was going to mention the sort of carrot dangling for The Open place. Is that firmly on your mind heading into the weekend, or just concentrate on this competition and the rest will take care of itself?

DOUG GHIM: It's very much like that, but I'm just going to keep hitting good shots and put myself in position. If I get to play at St Andrews it's dream come true, and if not, I know there will be other opportunities to play back at the Old Course.

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