Genesis Scottish Open

Thursday, 13 July, 2023

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Thomas Detry

Quick Quotes

Q. Three straight birdies and end with two birdies, and you're iron play was spot on today?

THOMAS DETRY: It was inches away from walking away with two cars today, a hole-in-one on 17, looking forward to see the highlights of that shot.

But yeah played some really good golf today. Actually had a couple of big misses but every time I managed to get some great up-and-downs and keep going, like on my 16th hole, way right, and getting my ball on the fairway, wedge shot and good putt and it with asa amazing to finish birdie, birdie.

Q. You come from playing a lot of golf in the US. What's the challenge when you come to the Renaissance?

THOMAS DETRY: It's my playground here. I always play well. I finished top 10 last year. I just feel good out here. I have a lovely little cottage out here on the golf course. I'm staying here with my family and everybody is happy. I feel good.

Q. What's the key for you on this golf course?

THOMAS DETRY: The rough is actually higher than it used to be in the past. Obviously been raining a lot. I want to say hitting the fairways, a bit straightforward but really keep it in play. You can kind of make some big numbers out there with the rough up and the wind blowing. So if you can keep it on the fairway and take advantage of the par 5s, you can shoot a low one.

Q. As start of weeks go, I'd say that's pretty successful, 6-under, 64. How do you reflect on that?

THOMAS DETRY: I'm happy. I feel like I'm on my playground out here. I've had some success the last couple years and I felt good after the start.

Obviously started the day with three birdies in a row. That always helps. After that, I missed a couple of tee shots and managed to get some amazing up-and-downs to really keep the momentum going.

And then iron play has been off the chart today. I think on 9 I hit it to a foot. On 17, which was my eighth hole, I hit it to another foot as well. Easy birdies like that make it quite nice.

Q. How important was patience?

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, massive. Like on my 16th hole, hole 7, I hit it way right. Had an average lie and laid up on the fairway and managed to get up-and-down to keep that momentum going. Instead of making a bogey, made par, and followed it up with two birdies. That was a great up-and-down of some momentum there. I want to say almost that up-and-down was more important than the two birdies on 8 and 9. It kept it going and a bonus to finish with two birdies.

Q. How nice to end in that fashion?

THOMAS DETRY: 8 and 9, my 17th and 18th hole, are some of the toughest holes out there. It's blowing hard into and off the right as well. It's a tough tee shot on 8, and not an easy 4-iron on 9. Very happy with the way I handled those two holes.

Q. What is it about the Renaissance course that suits your eye?

THOMAS DETRY: Not sure. It's my home garden out here. It's my playground. I love it. It's great. My family is here with me. Everybody loves it. We have a nice little cot rage down the road. It's great. We love Scotland. It's a good spot.

Q. You don't find it hard adjusting to links courses coming off what you played previously?

THOMAS DETRY: Not really. I qualified for The Open on a link course last week, so it was a good preparation for the tournament this week.

No, it's not really -- no big adjustments for me. Just a lot of feel golf, I want to say. Like a lot of feeling, feeling the shot in there, feeling the putts with the wind, I think that's the most important.

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