Genesis Scottish Open

Friday, 14 July, 2023

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. A round of 62, was it as easy as it made you look?

TYRRELL HATTON: No. It was stressful at times, as most of my rounds are. But very happy with the chances I gave myself. I feel I hit a lot of good iron shots today, especially compared to yesterday, most improved to. Very happy with how that was and nice to see some putts drop, too.

Q. What was the biggest difference between 69 and 62?

TYRRELL HATTON: Ball-striking. You probably saw a little bit yesterday where I was fatting a few shots. I said earlier I was hitting balls off mats last week, and even though I got here Monday night, even by yesterday, I still had not managed to get the ball first. We managed to do that today and hopefully that continues this weekend.

Q. Were there many technical changes you made after your round yesterday?

TYRRELL HATTON: No, there was nothing. I just come off the course and had dinner in the clubhouse and went home. You always swing it slightly different day-to-day, anyway. It was more of my rhythm was just not good yesterday, and you know, you have days like that where you struggle for rhythm and no matter what you do, you can't quite figure it out and yesterday was definitely one of those days.

Today I did hit some poor shots still. I think that natural happens in any round of golf. But thankfully there was more good than bad and the putter backed me up, too.

Q. With this being a Rolex Series Event, you seem to enjoy these ones, especially when it's a big stage. Why do you think that is?

TYRRELL HATTON: I don't know. I try my best every single week. Ultimately that's all you can do. I've been fortunate. I've got a fairly decent record on links courses, and it's nice to play in front of an almost home crowd.

So yeah, the crowd's been brilliant the last two days and I'm sure it will be good over the weekend.

Q. 8-under par. Any difference in conditions or your golf game from yesterday to today?

TYRRELL HATTON: I played a lot better today. I struggled for rhythm yesterday and today is a new day, went out, tried my best and thankfully had a better golf swing with me and nice to see some putts fall in as well.

Q. All these guys here are competitors, and you want to win, but do you feel any more pressure being on this side of the pond to win?

TYRRELL HATTON: No, definitely not on a Friday. Sunday, when you've got a chance to one and you've got more of a buzz but ultimately that's the position you want to find yourself in at the start of the week. I've had a good day today and got myself back into it. The guys are going to go out this afternoon and see what they shoot. Depends what kind of weather they get. The forecast didn't look great but things can change quite rapidly up here, so we'll see. But I'm happy with my days work and looking forward to the weekend.

Q. What's the key for you when you play this kind of golf course and under these kind of conditions?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, for me, I've generally always putted well on links courses. And like every single tournament we play, you have to putt well to give yourself a chance to win on Sunday. So yeah, let's hope the putts keep dropping.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134917-1-1003 2023-07-14 12:51:00 GMT

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