Genesis Scottish Open

Friday, 14 July, 2023

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. That's a pretty solid effort through two rounds. How do you assess where you stand at the moment?

TOM KIM: Yeah, definitely played some solid golf. But definitely gave myself a chance on the weekend with great two rounds, and just sticking to the game plan really well. Seen some improvements that I've put in on the off-week, so happy with my two rounds.

Q. Continuing the good performance from last year at the Renaissance. What is it about this place that suits your eye, do you think?

TOM KIM: Just something about this place. Last year, I really liked how the golf course was set up. Kind of suits my eye a little bit. Obviously had a great week last year, and you know, you was really looking forward to coming back, and it's nice to be able to play well these first two rounds and hopefully just try to keep giving myself chances over the weekend.

Q. You had a lot to contend with today. How important is patience? You know you get that wind and rain as well?

TOM KIM: Big time. We had a lot of different weather changes in the last hour, so definitely tested a little bit. It would have been nice to finish that off with a par on the 9th, but obviously got some good breaks and get some bad ones.

Q. Nice day out there. Let's talk about the round first. On point with the irons, was that the trick for you today?

TOM KIM: Yeah, I played the par 4s really well. Par 5s were actually a lot better than yesterday. But definitely playing the par 4s nicely. Giving myself a lot of looks. Not much stress there.

Q. This golf course, we're expecting obviously some severe weather this afternoon, so this might be a moot question, but those last few holes on the front side of the golf course, big difference from yesterday. Walk us through the change in the golf course with that wind direction?

TOM KIM: Yeah, obviously 7, I think is one of the biggest changes you'll have. Like yesterday was pumping down wind. You hit driver and 9-iron in. Today I missed my iron. I couldn't even get 2-iron there. That's a huge change.

Obviously it doesn't help when it rains and stops and it rains and stops. It kind of ruins your momentum a little bit. Definitely curious how the afternoon will go. Obviously Scotland, you don't know what's going to happen with the weather but it's nice to put myself in position and rest up for tomorrow.

Q. A year ago, your journey to being a full-time member of the PGA TOUR started year. What is it about this place? Can you come back and get warm, fuzzy feelings again?

TOM KIM: I like this place. I obviously had good memories last year. After the season ended last year, I was really looking forward to coming back. This course signed of suits my eye. The weather needs to cooperate a bit but great feels and great momentum last year, and just trying to keep it up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134921-1-1003 2023-07-14 13:10:00 GMT

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