Genesis Scottish Open

Saturday, 15 July, 2023

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

JT Poston

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid round 5-under par, get yourself to 10-under. That pitch shot at 18, is that the essence of links golf for you? That was one challenging shot. Talk about that up-and-down there at 18.

JT POSTON: Yeah, it was a huge up-and-down to kind of finish off a really good round. I really didn't want to drop one there at the last. I didn't leave myself the easiest one but that's a shot that I've been practising a lot kind of all week just trying to get used to this links-style type of golf.

I think back home, I would have maybe tried to fly it a lot further, but just playing along the ground, and I've really developed a pretty good feel, I feel like, hitting those shots. So I was comfortable with it and glad I was able to execute.

Q. What's been a key for you this week that has been able to get yourself in a position?

JT POSTON: I think just short game. I haven't really driven the ball that well, not terrible, but just haven't hit a ton the fairways, and so I feel like I've been playing a lot of defense.

But I've done a really good job of missing in the right spots and leaving myself some relatively easy up-and-downs and I've done a good job executing those chips and putts and lag putts and all that that you have to do well over here.

Q. You're just outside the Top-70 in FedExCup points, about a month left. You got the exemption from your win at the John Deere but how much pressure are you putting on yourself or how much pressure are you feeling to make sure you get inside that Top-70?

JT POSTON: I don't think I'm putting too much pressure on myself but it's definitely a goal. I mean, the goal at the end of the year is to make it back to Atlanta and that's still kind of what I'm looking at and trying to do.

So obviously in order to do that, I've got to make sure I'm Top-70 first but trying not to focus too much on the 70 number and more focused on trying to get around 30 and give myself a chance here.

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