Genesis Scottish Open

Saturday, 15 July, 2023

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. Seemed to being a round that had absolutely everything. How pleased with where you are standing especially after that start?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I think if you flipped the round around the other way, I would feel a little bit bad about my positioning. But when you have it the way I did today where you have the good finish and stealing at least two shots on the last two holes, definitely a good feeling.

I think at one point in the round I was eight or nine shots back and not really in the tournament. So to be able to hang in there and have a good back nine to get myself back into it the tournament it was a good feeling.

Q. What did you tell yourself that made the change on the back nine?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I just tried to stay patient and that's really about it. Just tried to stay patient and keep hitting good shots. That's kind of been think thing this year and I've done a good job of staying patient and not trying to hit every shot perfect to get back into a round. Just trying to hit a couple good shots and good putts and just trying to get back into things.

Q. How crucial do you think those last four holes will be now that you've got yourself in contention?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I think they were huge, especially 17, 18. Had a nice birdie on 15. Felt like I gave one away there on 16 but the two putts at 17, 18, definitely make the day feel a little bit different.

Q. Conditions tomorrow, set to be a pretty hectic one, shall we say. What's your mindset going to be as you head out there?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I think "hectic" is a pretty good way to describe what tomorrow will be like. Same thing. Just try to execute shots. You can't really control the elements. I mean, who knows what the weather is going to be like here. Today we thought we would be playing in all different kind of stuff.

Just try to stay patient and hit good shots and be committed to what you're doing. When you get that much wind, it's really out of your control and all you can do is you're trying to hit it solid.

Q. Nice finish, 3-under the last 24 and two birdies at 17 and 18. After the tough start, is that characteristic, not fazed by it?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I definitely was fazed. I was definitely frustrated to be over par early in the round, especially when guys -- you kind f need to take advantage of start out here. So that definitely was a bit frustrating.

I just hung in there and stole a few shots here and there. I had the good birdie at 8, which is a really hard hole and the birdies at 17 and 18, yeah, I probably stole two shots there.

Q. Did you have any goal going into today where you wanted to be? You're 10-under par, three back. Did you want to have a chance; you put yourself in that position.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Always want to have a chance. Wish I was further up the leaderboard than I am now. I had a really good finish to today's round, especially after the start. That's definitely good momentum going into tomorrow.

Q. The two putts on 17 and 18, 40 feet on 17, 23 at 18, more than you had made all day and more than you had made any one day this week. A lot of people talked about it, but you've just got to keep doing what you're doing; right?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I'm hitting a lot of good putts, a lot of good putts, and some of them are going in and a lot of them are not.

So I'm just going to keep trying to hit good putts. I mean, the greens here aren't as true as some of the ones we play in the States and you're kind of putting over mounds, and there's a lot of different stuff going on out there. But if I keep hitting good putts, I'm sure they will start falling.

Q. Djokovic or Alcaraz in the finals tomorrow?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don't know, but it's going to be fun to watch, though.

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