Genesis Scottish Open

Saturday, 15 July, 2023

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. That's a pretty solid moving day, still in contention as we head into Sunday. What's your reflections after 54 holes?

TOM KIM: Yeah it was a pretty tough moving day for me. Off the tee, wasn't really in the right spot. But I think that's probably as good as I could have played. I hung in there and left myself a lot of tough shots but I had some nice up-and-downs to at least give myself a chance to have a good one tomorrow.

Q. How crucial were some of those par saves you made out there?

TOM KIM: Huge. I feel like with where I was, it was so easy to just shoot even par. But to not just shoot under par but be bogey-free, and having this round today gives me a chance tomorrow, so I'm pleased.

Q. Heading into tomorrow, looks like conditions will be totally different. Good 'ole Scottish hospitality with the wind. What will be your mindset with the wind?

TOM KIM: I think it's great. Obviously last year was really tough obviously with the wind. So kind of curious how hard it's going to be. But I feel like when the wind blows, you've got to have a lot of patience and be mentally tough. Tomorrow is really a round where whoever really wants it the most, and I'm definitely looking forward to the challenge.

Q. Before we get into the day, let's talk about the par at the last. The lie was horrible; you get it up the left side, Dennis Paulson, our analyst on our broadcast said, I don't know about this angle and I don't know if he can get it up to the hole. A gem of a third. I saw the fist-pump on the putt. How big was that for you?

TOM KIM: I think more than thinking it was how hard I battled today. That's what meant the most for me. I felt like that putt was the cherry on top because I fought so hard just to get everything out of that round.

To be able to walk off with a par is definitely going to make my lunch taste a lot better. That was huge, obviously, with momentum and everything. Puts me in a good spot to have a chance tomorrow.

Q. Safe to say your putter was the best weapon today? Lag putts from 101 feet, 80 feet. but more importantly ---quality lag putting, yes, but you made everything you needed to from that ten-foot-and-inside range.

TOM KIM: Yeah, I don't think I missed a lot inside that range. I just had a lot of tough situations but obviously with the wind everything and, just got to trust and I did. Pretty fortunate to walk off with a bogey-free round today.

Q. What needs to change to hang in there and grab this title?

TOM KIM: I'm kind of looking forward to it. It's going to be tough. I think it's going to be tough for everyone. So you've got to be mentally there more than anything. You've got to be patient. I think it's going to play a lot different than the last three days, so I look forward to the challenge.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134957-1-1003 2023-07-15 13:36:00 GMT

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