The Bay Golf Club 6, Atlanta Drive GC 5
Q. Wyndham, how do you describe the level of play that we've seen today already?
WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I mean, it's unbelievable. Not only do you see it on the PGA TOUR but you see it out here. Everybody is so good now in golf, it's kind of crazy. The amount of chip-ins, big putts, good drives, wedges to tap in, it's amazing. It's really fun to watch.
Q. What about the intensity? I just overheard you saying you were a little nervous towards the end of that one. What is that intensity for you guys?
WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, our first match we got up to a big lead early and your nerves went down, and then this one got closer and closer as the match went on. You did kind of get nervous, and you didn't want to be the one to let down your teammates. So I had a couple of tough tee balls against PC in the solos, and I was like, man, if I blow this out of play, I lose the hole and I let my team down. So definitely had some nerves, which is fun. We all love the feeling.
Q. What emotion did you feel? I heard you saying the same thing back to a degree. What emotion do you feel in terms of nerves?
LUDVIG ÅBERG: Yeah, I was nervous. I had that shot on the par-3 against Lucas and he made a good putt and I thought I needed to make it, too, which I'm glad it was not more than three feet. But it was good. That's the way you want it to be. It's supposed to be this way; close matches get the nerves a little bit going. So it's fun.
Q. There have been so many fantastic shots throughout this entire day, but this guy's wedge play, ridiculous.
LUDVIG ÅBERG: I know, that's what we -- it seems like every time he missed a green he just gets a big smile and tries to chip it in. To be fair, I missed a lot of greens today. I felt like I hit decent shots but I missed the greens. But he's a pretty good chipper, so I felt like it was okay.
Q. You come out of the box with a victory. How do you describe the experience in your first match?
MIN WOO LEE: No, I said I was not as nervous at the beginning, but towards the end I got a little nerves and sweaty palms. Definitely brings out that tournament vibe golf towards the end.
I have great teammates, and yeah, just had to not let them down. I kind of like that. I like that type of emotion when you're out there. It was great fun.
Q. Wyndham loves that hammer. I'm going to start calling him "Hammer Clark." You guys have already started to adjust your strategy. What was that conversation, at least what you'll give me?
MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, I think we should have threw the hammer right at the start of the singles. We had an opportunity there to grab a point, but I thought we might have needed it a bit later. I think that's something that we will talk about.
But I think we left it at a pretty good time, I guess. We had some opportunities, and we had kind of the upper hand even when the scores were pretty even, so we kind of had that advantage point.
But yeah, we played great, and hopefully we can use it a bit more, a bit better next game.
Q. Now it's you guys against Boston. What do you have to do to execute and beat them?
WYNDHAM CLARK: I mean, just keep doing what we're doing. We're rolling right now. The Bay Golf Club is playing really nice. Lud is one of our best players, especially on a simulator. He hits it so good. If he could actually hit some greens this time for us so we don't have to chip as much -- I'm just messing with him.
No, really, we just keep doing what we're doing, we're having a lot of fun, and I think our team gets along great, and I think if we're doing that, we'll play some good golf.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports