U.S. Amateur Championship

Monday, August 9, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Alex Fitzpatrick

Quick Quotes

Q. I missed the birdie putt on 18. How far was it?

ALEX FITZPATRICK: It was about 15 foot I would say. So, yeah, not too bad. I got up to the hill and I thought mine was the close one that was like a foot, and then Ricky went and marked it, so...

Q. Talk me through the rest of the round. I know you started with bogey and birdies and pars there.

ALEX FITZPATRICK: Yeah, no, the first hole I guess was almost a bit of a learning curve really. I pitched one which I thought was good and it spun all the way off the green and left me with a really tricky up and down.

Ended up making bogey and made a good three on the next. Holed probably about 10-footer. Being honest, it was just really, really solid golf. I managed my way extremely well. Proud of myself for that.

Yeah, just played really solid golf. Hit to the right spots. Gave myself -- tried to give myself (indiscernible)putts, and luckily I hit a couple close and managed to roll them in and, yeah, come off with a good round. Yeah, extremely happy.

Q. Had you seen this course before?

ALEX FITZPATRICK: Just the practice round. Never seen it. Came for the practice round obviously a couple days ago. After 18 I needed a big lie-down and a nap because it was such a long walk.

But it was in fantastic condition. The greens are sneaky. They don't look overly quick but they roll maybe 14, and, yeah, they can get away from you pretty quickly. So, yeah, happy with my round.

Q. What are the thoughts going into Oakmont tomorrow?

ALEX FITZPATRICK: The same thing. just exactly same thing. Try to hit on the right spots of the greens. Luckily I've got a good caddie who has been here a fairly long time, just 23 years. And, yeah, just hit to the right spots and give myself chances and take your medicine when you need to.

Hopefully another good round tomorrow and onto match play hopefully.

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