U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Brian Ma

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel about shooting a 68 here at Oakmont? That's the low round in stroke lay here this week, one of the low rounds.

BRIAN MA: Well, it's always good to shoot under par, especially here at Oakmont, such a tough course. I mean, throughout the day and yesterday when I got four holes in it was just smart golf, patience. That was the theme of the round. Even as I came down the stretch that was still the theme.

And you know, it worked out. I put myself in good places. Put myself with a few birdie opportunities and some of them went in. That's how I got here.

Q. Had you seen Oakmont before this week?

BRIAN MA: No. So this is my first time at Oakmont. I did play the practice round on Sunday. That was my first time looking at it. I knew it was going to be a test, so glad I could put out a low score.

Q. What's different about this place than maybe some of the others? I know your home course is the country club. You've played on good championship courses before.

BRIAN MA: Right, right. It's just you can never lose focus out here. At other courses you might be able to get away with a few errant shots, but out here with such tough green complexes you can't afford to lose any focus. That's what I noticed.

Q. You're in the hunt for the medalist. Did you realize that at all on the back nine?

BRIAN MA: It did sneak into my mind a couple holes. I didn't think it was going to do any good thinking about it. Again, theme was patience, and I was focused on that instead.

Q. Any of those birdies, especially on the back, that you really like today?

BRIAN MA: Yeah, the one on 11. Had a good approach shot in with a 9-iron. Thought it was going to be about 10, 15 feet. Caught a little bit of that false front and rolled back down, so left myself about a 30, 35-footer.

Gave it a firm stroke and went in right dead center.

Q. Did you go for the green off the tee at 17?

BRIAN MA: Yes, I tried to. Left it a little bit short. Easy chip, so got up and down for birdie.

Q. And then the last question: I know it's your girlfriend on the bag.


Q. How does she help you during the round?

BRIAN MA: Definitely a sort of calming presence. It's easy to get ahead of yourself, especially at big tournament like this. Having her on the bag, helping me slow down, I'll walk a little bit too quickly sometimes to my ball, so she helps me slow down, and it's really helped this week.

Q. Will she be here the rest of the week?

BRIAN MA: Yep, that's the plan.

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