U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Austin Greaser

Quick Quotes

Q. Anyhow, let's talk about that comeback. You 2-down' how do you get yourself back in this?

AUSTIN GREASER: It was a weird match today. I'm pretty sure the first hole we tied was 11. It was back and forth all day for some reason. It felt like one person have a good hole, the other have a bad one, then vice versa next hole. Really just back and forth all day.

You just kind of ride the wave like that and just know that you're probably going to mess up a little bit, he's going to mess up a little bit. It's Oakmont, one of the toughest golf courses probably only the planet. Just keep your head down, stick to your game plan, and see what happens.

Q. Tell me about some of your winning holes that got you in the win column.

AUSTIN GREASER: 12 was a good one. I hit a good drive, pretty good drive. Ended up in the right rough, it was downwind firm and I hit a 7-iron from 262. Landed on the front and rolled all the way back about pin high about 20 feet. Didn't convert the 3 but made the 4; won that hole. That was big.

Then I got up and down on 14 to snatch a win on that hole too to go 2-up with four to play, and just kind of held my ground and hit a couple good shots coming in and got the win.

Q. Where are you on 14 that you're getting up and down and what club are you using?

AUSTIN GREASER: Just short -- I hit a good tee shot but the wind kind of got me on the second with the wedge. I ended up just short of the pin in the rough.

It was probably a 10, 12 yard shot. Nothing too difficult back in the wind. Still had to execute, and I did. Little 60-degree there from the rough. Not too much going on there. Pretty standard.

Q. You played in a lot of match play. Because it's Oakmont, are you thinking more that pars are going to win holes rather than birdies?

AUSTIN GREASER: I think that's fair, but I think me and my caddie are staying in my game plan, and whether par wins the hole or birdie wins the hole or bogey wins the hole, we just kind of let it happen and go from there.

I think there is a lot of potential that par wins the hole and potentially bogey sometimes, yes.

Q. Other players have come from behind today and I asked them the same question: Is there ever a sense of panic when you're down a couple holes and you're deep into a match?

AUSTIN GREASER: I think not for me. I think you never want to trail obviously. Nobody does. But at the same time, just being patient. There is 18 holes of golf at Oakmont, so when I was down 2 we still had 12 holes of golf to play.

You can ask my caddie, we talked about it. We said, We still got 12 holes and this is Oakmont. There is more than plenty of time.

I ended up winning my match 3&2, so won a lot of holes coming in. So just staying patient is the biggest thing for me.

Q. Then the last one: You played a lot of USGA championships. How does that experience help you in these situations?

AUSTIN GREASER: I think 100% helps, no doubt. I think you learn something from every tournament you play, whether it's USGA or any other event.

You got to carry that forward, good or bad. Just kind of riding that wave right now. I'm playing good golf and learned a lot couple weeks ago at the Western. Played well there. Just trying to harness a lot of what I learned and bring it here, and so far so good.

Just hoping to keep that going.

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111397-1-1041 2021-08-12 22:59:00 GMT

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