U.S. Amateur Championship

Friday, August 13, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Nick Gabrelcik

Quick Quotes

Q. Let's talk about making the semifinals. You're smiling already. How does it feel?

NICK GABRELCIK: Feels pretty good. This is my first U.S. Am, first USGA event other than finals stage of U.S. Open qualifying.

So I've had high expectations coming into this week and I'm glad that things are going well.

Q. You talk about high expectations. You had a great freshman year. Is that why you had high expectations?

NICK GABRELCIK: Yeah, obviously most of these kids right now are college players and I know most of them. I played against all of them. Competed with all of them.

So just the great success in my freshman year definitely is helping roll over this week, giving me more experience than most first-time appearances may have.

Q. I know you played well in state events. What turned it for you going into your freshman year that you played so well?

NICK GABRELCIK: Yeah, the 2018 Florida State Match Play really turned things around and showed me that I am -- can compete with college kids.

I beat three straight college players in the semis, or quarters, semis, and finals, and then I finished low am in our Florida Open, which is a professional event.

So this year, summer was definitely the turning point.

Q. In today's match you got up early on and then he came back at you. Talk about that a little bit.

NICK GABRELCIK: Yeah, Davis, he's a fighter. I didn't play great towards the end. I was kind of putting my way out of the event, giving him a few shots that maybe -- I don't want to say he didn't deserve, but I made a mistake on.

Me and my brother, my caddie, can start to clean these things up going into tomorrow.

Q. The match is tied after 14. What are you thinking then?

NICK GABRELCIK: Need to -- I was struggling with the tee shot on 15 all week and we decided to finally aim it down the right and not play the wind. We just said when I was in the fairway we need to make birdie here. I hit it to about five feet.

Davis made bogey so I didn't have to putt. Definitely that was the game plan, try and make a birdie.

Q. What was your yardage and club in there?

NICK GABRELCIK: 163 yards and I hit a 9-iron.

Q. How many times did he hit his approach shot (indiscernible)?

NICK GABRELCIK: Probably every time.

Q. Is that frustrating? Does it wear on you when you got a guy hitting it first and putting it on the green and...

NICK GABRELCIK: No, because I like to see where my opponent is to influence where I am. Like on hole 5 I was first and hit it in the right rough, so me and my brother talked about taking one club less to get it on the green and eventually he made bogey, I made par.

I think it's advantage when you're a little bit further up because you get to see where he is after the second shot.

Q. What kind of confidence comes with advancing but yet knowing you didn't play your best?

NICK GABRELCIK: That there is better to come and that if -- I know my capability, and if I can get that capability out, that I'll have a really good shot at making it to the finals.

Q. Can you speak to the stamina needed this week? There has been a lot of stop and start. You know, you said first US Amateur, USGA. Like obviously you played match play events before. This feels like sort of even more broken up.

NICK GABRELCIK: Yeah, the endurance level is definitely key. You got to make sure, especially with the heat, you keep drinking and eating enough. I started to feel a little worn out towards the end there, but I'm not going to say that's why I played bad.

I definitely was feeling it. Tomorrow or upcoming events I'm going to make sure that I'm better prepared, especially if it's hot.

Q. Yeah. Had you ever played Oakmont before?

NICK GABRELCIK: No. My family is from Pittsburgh and I have a lot of friends here, but I've never been over here.

Q. So with all the rain and people have been talking about the softer greens, has it been different from your expectations? Have you had to adjust maybe what you expected from the course?

NICK GABRELCIK: Yeah, it's definitely a change, because every hole is different whenever it rains. Some are soft, and then as the rain goes on they get firmer and you have to kind of guess and hope you guess right.

This course is brutal. You can't mess up. You have to stay 100% focused every time or you're going to get caught and eventually struggle.

Q. Who is from Pittsburgh?

NICK GABRELCIK: My dad is from Pleasant Hills, my mom is from a West f, and then we have a bunch of family, friends that live around the city or on the outskirts.

Q. Did you grow up with a Terrible Towel?

NICK GABRELCIK: Oh, yeah. We're huge Pittsburgh fans, everything. So the tee gift here was nice. I can take it to my college apartment.

Q. You probably already had one there, right?

NICK GABRELCIK: No, I did not, because I was home for the summer. I did, but this one -- I'm going straight back to Jacksonville from here, so this is definitely a good gift for me to get.

Q. What are your parents names?

NICK GABRELCIK: Annette Gabrelcik and Don Gabrelcik.

Q. Did they grow up here?

NICK GABRELCIK: Yeah, they were born and raised here, and they moved to Florida when my mom went to college. My dad was about 25, I think.

Q. How did you wind up in North Florida? You find them or they find you?

NICK GABRELCIK: I think found me and I know everybody on the team. We're all local like Florida kids. Played in Florida Junior Tour, FSGA, and then me and Coach Schroeder definitely built a strong relationship with each other. He's a great coach and great guy.

Q. How did your parents meet?

NICK GABRELCIK: I have no idea. They say my dad was working in a shoe place in the mall and she came in shopping. That's what I've heard, but I'm not sure how accurate this is. I don't believe much stuff they say.

Q. Given your family history here, to be able to do what you've done here, what does that mean for you?

NICK GABRELCIK: It means a lot. I never really played golf in Pittsburgh. They're back home for a week, so definitely moving on in match play just gives them a little more time back home, I guess, spending time with their families.

Q. Have they taken you anywhere?

NICK GABRELCIK: No, I come here a decent amount. We try to come every year so I know around the city pretty well one stop we do make is Primanti Bros every year. I love Primanti Bros.

Q. The original one or just --

NICK GABRELCIK: I didn't know there was an original one. We just do to whichever one is close.

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111452-1-1041 2021-08-13 23:17:00 GMT

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