U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, USA

Cherry Hills Country Club

John Marshall Butler

TV Quick Quotes

Q. John, incredible resilience, 1-down after that hole-out on 16, you stuff it on 17, hit what you think is a perfect drive here on 18, but that resilience to come out and just stuff it and make par, how big is that?

JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER: Yeah, I mean, I thought my tee shot on 18 was a little left, but I still thought it was in the fairway. Kind of surprised to see it go through.

But I've worked so hard for this moment, and you can't really do anything except go out there and just try to play golf. I've put in the work. I've busted my butt, honestly, so just trying to stay out of my own way, not be too hard on myself. Get a bad break like the one on 18 or 16 where he holed out, just unbelievable stuff.

But yeah, just not being affected by the bad breaks and just, like you said, being really resilient.

Q. We saw you on the back of the green with your eyes closed. Were you just trying to settle yourself into the moment?

JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER: Oh, yeah, 100 percent. Yeah, it's a little nerve-racking, but you know -- yeah, 100 percent, just trying to settle my heart rate down.

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