U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chaska, Minnesota, USA

Hazeltine National Golf Club

Ethan Fang

Quick Quotes

Q. Today you didn't trail at all.


Q. Got to go through that, obviously to get up in all these matches.

ETHAN FANG: To be honest, I didn't even know that. As I said, just play my game, take it hole by hole, and whatever happens happens.

Q. You're in that much of a bubble?

ETHAN FANG: I don't know, just not much to say. I just kept the pressure on, didn't let anything slip, and let them chase me.

Q. 64 seed into the round of 8.

ETHAN FANG: Yeah, I know.

Q. It's never happened. A 64 seed has never won a USGA Championship. What makes you think you can do it this week?

ETHAN FANG: I've got the game. Short game's been real good this tournament. As long as I stay dialed, it should be pretty good.

Q. How are you fatigue-wise? Yesterday you had the long day, getting up early, last guy out of the course. Today you had a normal start.

ETHAN FANG: Today wasn't bad. 36-hole day, those college tournaments prepare you pretty well for that. Yeah, just stay focused pretty much.

Q. Tomorrow you don't have to come out until early afternoon. Do you think that will be an advantage to get a little rest?

ETHAN FANG: Get some rest. You know, it's been a long two days. I'm pretty excited to get some rest, sleep in a little bit.

Q. When did you find out? Did you have it in the back of your head about the 64 seed and the history of it?

ETHAN FANG: I mean, honestly, as long as you get to match play, anyone can win it. It doesn't really matter what seed you are.

It's pretty cool I'm the 64 seed. Just the underdog coming in and see if we can win it.

Q. How nervy was it getting to the match play?

ETHAN FANG: It was tough. I shot 6-under that last day, that last stroke play, and birdied my last two. Got that done and then barely made the playoff, and now we're here.

Q. Does it feel more normal playing with guys your age?

ETHAN FANG: Yeah, definitely does. Definitely does. That first match was definitely a first.

Q. You had a pretty big lead in this match. You kind of came back a little bit. How do you stay -- how do you keep yourself in the present and not let something like that get away?

ETHAN FANG: He was playing some real good golf. I just try to stay focused, can't really think what he's doing. Just play my best. Just try to make pars.

Q. I know you transferred to Oklahoma State this off-season. Obviously you haven't started school yet, but what's kind of been the benefit for you so far? Obviously Coach Bratton has been there year round.

ETHAN FANG: It's great. We're working on our facility now at OSU. It's pretty much done and pretty excited for that and everything about it.

Q. Where were you as a freshman?

ETHAN FANG: I went to Cal.

Q. Do you allow yourself to sort of think ahead to what might be, with all the perks on the line the rest of the way?

ETHAN FANG: I try not to get ahead of myself, just take it match by match. If we get there at the end, we get there. I just can't really do much about it.

Q. What was your goal going into this?

ETHAN FANG: Honestly, just make match play and then just win my matches. I didn't really have a set goal. If you play good out there, you'll win matches.

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