U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Ricky Castillo

Flash Interview

Q. Ricky, talk us through your round a bit.

RICKY CASTILLO: It was a little tough. Didn't hit too many fairways or many greens, but was able to scramble really well, made a lot of putts, got up-and-down a lot. Made a few birdies. It was tough out there. It was definitely gettable to see a couple guys out there that are making some birdies. It's doable but you've just got to hit the fairway and hit the greens. That's my goal for tomorrow, just hit more fairways, hit more greens and I should be in good position.

Q. Looks like a closing birdie there. Talk us through that hole.

RICKY CASTILLO: I hit a decent drive in the left first cut and hit it a little short with a 3-iron from about 245, chipped it up to about 10 feet and had a good line, trusted it and made the putt.

Q. Early tee time to start the U.S. Open. Do you like playing early?

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, I'm a morning person. I love playing early. Just getting it in is nice. We got it in before any wind hit or anything, so the course isn't as hard as it could have played, but still a really good test and everything, but I'm excited.

Q. Knowing the history of Winged Foot here and how tough it can be, what was your game plan coming into the week?

RICKY CASTILLO: My game plan was just to hit fairways, hit greens and know that par is a good score. I know under par is leading right now, but the course is going to get tougher and tougher throughout the week, so pars and a bogey here and there isn't going to hurt you. That's the biggest thing. You've just got to not get too upset on the golf course, not let a bogey affect you just because everybody is going to make bogeys, everyone is going to make a bad swing and just get a bad lie in the rough. It was tough out there today, but it was fun.

Q. What's the game plan for tomorrow?

RICKY CASTILLO: Same game plan, just hit a lot of fairways, hit a lot of greens and probably just having the short game and play as well as I did today, then I'll be in good position come the weekend.

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