U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Graeme McDowell

Flash Interview

Q. Talk us through your round a bit.

GRAEME McDOWELL: Yeah, kind of hung in there well the front nine, kind of had it 1-over, birdied 9, hit a great shot on 10 to 12 feet, kind of missed that, and made a bogey with a wedge in my hand on 11, and then just couldn't get it in the fairway after that. I missed the 12th fairway, I missed the 14th fairway, I missed the 15th fairway, I missed the 16th fairway, missed the 17th fairway. I made the mistakes that you just can't make out here really, which is not getting the ball in play off the tee. I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow.

Golf course was kind of there for the taking as far as Winged Foot was going to be there for the taking this morning, but like I say, just kind of reset and try and get back out there tomorrow, see if I can't sneak in for the weekend and do a little damage on the weekend.

Q. Did the conditions out there surprise you at all?

GRAEME McDOWELL: I mean, yes. I think conditions were slightly more benign than I expected. You know, there's still a bit of moisture in the greens. The ball is certainly -- the greens are pretty receptive. But you must drive the ball well, simple as that. You have to be in the fairway off the tee to have a chance, and then if you do that well, there is a score to be had. It is playable-ish if you do drive the ball well. There is some length out there, of course, but no, I think the golf course was certainly -- I think it was fair. Certainly can't stand here and blame the golf course in any way, shape or form this morning. It was certainly down to just the fact that I did not drive the ball well, and like I say, I've got a bit of work to do between now and tomorrow, but I'm upbeat about a lot of the things that I'm doing and I've just got to try and keep pushing forward.

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