U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Sergio Garcia

Flash Interview

Q. Sergio Garcia, 4-over 74. Sergio, could you walk us through your round.

SERGIO GARCIA: A lot of walking. Yeah, just nothing much happening. Obviously, a terrible start. Didn't get much better halfway through the round. Then I finally made a couple birdies, and then I just hit a couple bad shots on the last two. Obviously, disappointing round.

Q. How did the course play compared to what you saw in the practice rounds?

SERGIO GARCIA: I think it was as easy as it's going to play. It doesn't mean that it's easy, obviously, but it's as easy as it's going to play because it was pretty much very little wind. The greens were holding a little bit too much probably, spinning some shots that maybe you weren't expecting to spin.

Yeah, it was definitely, I think, looking at what the forecast is looking like, probably the easiest that it was going to play all week. Disappointing to not take advantage of it.

Q. How would you compare this course to previous U.S. Open courses?

SERGIO GARCIA: It's a very typical USGA kind of golf course. I don't know, just, obviously, fairways are quite narrow, difficult to hit. Even if you hit a good drive, there's some fairways being firm like they are, that you're still running to the rough or into the first cut. Then the greens are a lot of movement on them. They're greens with massive mounds on them. So, yeah, just typical.

Q. Any adjustments you'll work on today in game play going into tomorrow?

SERGIO GARCIA: Yeah, there's a lot of things I have to do better. We'll see if I'm able to do it or not.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101519-1-1182 2020-09-17 17:44:00 GMT

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