U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Steve Stricker

Flash Interview

Q. Steve Stricker, can you take us through your round a little bit.

STEVE STRICKER: It wasn't that exciting really. Actually, it was. I started off with a double on 10, my first hole of the day. I was a quick 4 over after five. So not a great start. But hung in there, finished 4 over.

It's a great, fair test today. The course is set up nicely. You can tell by a few of the guys that some good scores were shot. I thought they did a great job setting it up. It was hard but fair, and you could score if you hit it well.

Q. Did you see 5 under out there?

STEVE STRICKER: Not for me, how I've been hitting it. These guys are talented. They hit it a long ways. If you drive it in the fairway, the fairways have a lot of roll to them. They're probably coming in with some pretty short irons.

The key is driving it in the fairway, though. 5, 4, 3 unders, those are great scores.

Q. How does this course compare to previous U.S. Open courses?

STEVE STRICKER: This is my third time around here in a Major. This is one of the tougher ones that we'll play. Just the green complexes make it very difficult. The rough, the other Open that I played here in '06, the rough was high and thick, scoring was tough. So this is as hard as you're going to find at any U.S. Open, but a fair test.

Especially given the conditions today, no wind hardly at all and fairly soft greens. Yeah, it was a good, fair test, and you could score if you hit it well.

Q. Any adjustments today going into tomorrow?

STEVE STRICKER: I got my work cut out. I'll have to -- I didn't drive it particularly well. So I have to get it in the fairway a few more times. Shoot a good one just to see if I can hang around for the weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101523-1-1182 2020-09-17 17:57:00 GMT

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