U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Shaun Norris

Flash Interview

Q. Shaun Norris, 1-under 69. Shaun, can you take us through your round.

SHAUN NORRIS: Starting off the round, gave myself a tough par save on the first hole, but I made a good putt. Since then, I really actually hit the ball really nicely. Couldn't complain about it. Gave myself some good opportunities and converted them.

Q. Nice birdie on 4 and 9. Can you talk us through those?

SHAUN NORRIS: I've got to think of the 4th hole. Yeah, the 4th hole was a good one. I hit a really good tee shot down in the middle of the fairway, gave myself a 9 iron. With these greens being so slopey and all that, got to give yourself good chances. I left myself a 15, 20-footer pretty much straight down the slope, really had a good putt.

Then 9 is just one of those holes you're happy just to hit it on the green for two because I think it's easier to try and hit a two-putt than to try and wage one in close to where the pin was located. So gave myself a good chance, and I walked away with birdie.

Q. How did the course play compared to your expectations?

SHAUN NORRIS: It's tough. You've got to hit fairways. You've got to hit greens. That's the basic thing about this course. Like I said, I really hit the ball nicely. I was happy with it, gave myself a lot of opportunities. So I can't complain.

Q. Any adjustments going into tomorrow? What's your mindset?

SHAUN NORRIS: No, I don't think so. I think the same thing. Just commit to the tee shots, try to pick your targets, commit to them. And same with the greens -- commit to the target, leaving yourself good opportunities, normally uphill putts for birdie. You walk away with par, you're never going to complain about it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101532-1-1182 2020-09-17 21:11:00 GMT

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