U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Gary Woodland

Flash Interview

Q. 4-over 74, just talk us through your round a bit.

GARY WOODLAND: Yeah, frustrated. I just didn't drive the golf ball well, and if you don't hit it in the fairway out here you're going to get penalized. Rest of the game felt pretty good and when I did get it in play, I gave myself some chances and made a couple birdies. But was out of position too much off the tee and really scrambling all day, and this is a tough place to do that.

Q. Did it feel different on the first tee this year given everything that happened last year?

GARY WOODLAND: It was nice. It was nice to have a little energy, feeling good, getting some good vibes. Like I said, without the fans, I think the energy has been down a little bit sometimes for me.

Today that wasn't the case. I felt great. Nice to kind of relive some of that. Always nice to hear your name called as champion on the first tee, which was a good deal.

Q. You were in good shape, though, regardless of where you were placing the ball off the tee, heading to the back nine. What was a little different on the back nine than the front?

GARY WOODLAND: To be honest with you it was my body. I'm dealing with some pain. I've been dealing with it for a couple months and I'm just fighting it. This is the first time I've played 18 in a couple weeks. I've only been playing nine holes and just really ran out of gas on the back nine. So I'll go see my trainer and see what we can do, and hopefully have a little bit better tomorrow.

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101545-1-1222 2020-09-17 22:21:00 GMT

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