U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. Just tell me a little bit about your round today.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it wasn't too bad. Just didn't drive it in the fairway enough. But I mean, honestly, I felt like I rolled it really well, but I just didn't make any putts. And I think that was the difference of shooting a couple under, and I shot a few over.

But hit a lot of good putts. Going to go work on the irons a little bit. Hit one real bad iron shot on 7, but other than that, felt like I managed the course pretty well and played decent. I just didn't make any putts. Felt like -- and I hit good ones.

Get a little better with the reads tomorrow and maybe drive it in the fairway a little bit more, but other than that, I feel pretty good about -- 3-over is not -- I didn't play great, didn't make any putts. So obviously tomorrow if I shoot a few under, I'll get back in the golf tournament.

Q. What's it going to take tomorrow to get on the other side of par?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Just see a couple putts go in would be nice, and obviously -- if I drive it in the fairway I'm going to give myself good looks.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101546-1-1222 2020-09-17 22:39:00 GMT

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